Home » 4-H and Youth Development
Current Events:
- September 25 | Educational Travel Opportunities Info Session – Zoom – 7pm REGISTER HERE!
- September 27-29| 4-H Food Stand at Applefest – Fairgrounds
- October 6-12 | National 4-H Week
- October 7| 4-H Key Award deadline
- October 12 | Clothing Project field trip to Arla’s Sewing Room | Lansing
- October 14| 4-H Key Award Interviews – County Hwy Dept, Seneca – 6:30pm
- October 14 | 4-H Leaders Association Meeting – County Hwy Dept, Seneca – 7:30pm
- October 15| 4-H Re-enrollment Deadline – Midnight!
- October 21 | 4-H Jewelry Project Workshop – Crawford Co Hwy Dept, Seneca – 7:30pm
- October 27| 4-H Awards Program – Century Hall, Wauzeka – 2pm
- November 11 | 4-H Leaders Association Meeting – County Hwy Dept, Seneca – 7:30pm
- November 16 | Music Festival – North Crawford School – 9:30am REGISTER HERE!
Other Ongoing Events:
Sewing Project– Meetings will be held on the second Saturday of the month, 9-11am, unless otherwise noted.
Sign up for one, a few, or all! Register Here: https://forms.gle/MgfGhMteSnqH7v3M6
Quilts of Valor (all day- bring a dish to pass)
Clothing Revue Preparations
Gardening Project Series– Open to members in 3rd grade and up. Meetings will be held at the Gays Mills community building from 5:30-7:30pm on the following dates. Register Here: https://forms.gle/49jS3j1tmmi4a3mE7
Crocheting Project– Meetings will be held at the County Highway Department Building unless otherwise noted. Register Here: https://forms.gle/49jS3j1tmmi4a3mE7
Wildlife & Woods careers and competition statewide virtual series – new virtual series is open to youth in grades 6-12 and adult leaders. Learn about what’s available for older youth in these 4-H projects! Sessions are virtually on Nov 27, Jan 22, Feb 26, March 25, April 22, May 27. Register through your 4-H online account: https://v2.4honline.com/
4-H project curriculum – Check out the fantastic 4-H project books! Project books are available for families to purchase at: https://shop4-h.org/pages/curriculum. If you would like to save on shipping and tax, I will be placing an order on December 1st. Let me know what you would like, I’ll place the order, and have it shipped to our office, where you can pick it up and pay for it. Feel free to order on your own too.
How to Join and Enroll in 4-H:
- To join Crawford County 4-H contact a General Leader from the table below and let them know you are interested in joining their club. The leader will give you the specific details on when club meetings occur and other events in the club.
Club | Location | General Leader | Phone Number | |
Country Cuzz | Mt. Zion Area | Orsa | 608.391.1603 | orsa706@gmail.com |
Eastman Cloverleaf | Eastman Area | Jane | 608.874.4420 | janeachenbach@hotmail.com |
Happy Hi-Liters | Seneca Area | Cindy | 608.412.0214 | cindypayne1026@gmail.com |
Nifty Neighbors | Gays Mills Area | Sarah | 608.624.5428 | shdipadova@gmail.com |
North Clayton Cardinals | Soldiers Grove Area | Margaret | 608.624.5235 | davidsonmargaret2@gmail.com |
Steuben River Runners | Steuben Area | Amy | 608.732.5334 | amy.mitchell@wisc.edu |
Wonder Workers | Prairie du Chien Area | Steph | 608.326.0468 | wonderworkers4hclubpdc@gmail.com |
- After you talk to the general leader, enroll your family in 4-H Online, by going to https://wi.4honline.com
- New enrollments are accepted all year. Previous members need to be enrolled by October 15 of the previous year.
There are two deadlines – the enrollment deadline and the project selection deadline. In order to exhibit at the 2024 Crawford County Fair, previous members need to complete the enrollment process by October 15, 2024. This year, project selection needs to be finalized by June 1, 2025. This means you have from the time you enroll until June 1, 2025 to add, switch, or delete projects. Remember that you need to be enrolled in a project in 4-H in order to exhibit in that department at the Crawford County Fair.
Here are some important tips and reminders to help ensure your 4-H Online enrollment is completed correctly:
- Contact Information: Review your family and individual profile and make sure that all contact information is accurate.
- Code of Conduct: Read through the 4-H code of conduct with your child. Remember you are signing that you have read, understand, and agree to uphold this code.
Once your enrollment is complete, the Extension-Crawford County staff will approve your enrollment.
Crawford County 4-H Policies:
- Youth in grades 5K-2nd grade are Cloverbuds, Kindergarten members must be 5 years old.
- Individual 4-H Clubs can develop their own rules and requirements for members at the beginning of the 4-H year and on file at the Crawford County Extension office by December 31st of the current year. All new 4-H members must be informed of these rules and requirements prior to joining the club.
- Active members – should participate in more that 25% of the clubs activities attend at least 50% of the meetings, participate in at least 2 county events, and hand in a record book. They will be considered for awards for the Awards Program. Active members will have priority for trips, and only active members are eligible for trip reimbursements, financial support and/or scholarships from the 4-H Leaders’ Association.
- Passive member – are members who do not meet the requirements of an Active member. For instance, they may participate in less than 25% of the clubs activities (example: only participates in the fair or shooting sports, etc.) Passive members are ineligible for trip reimbursement, financial support and/or scholarships from the 4-H Leaders’ Association.
If you have any questions about 4HOnline, please contact Amy Mitchell (amy.mitchell@wisc.edu)
4-H Club Projects:
There are many projects that you can choose from. The state 4-H website has great information for you to learn more about your projects.
If you have any questions about Crawford County 4-H, please contact:
Amy Mitchell, 4-H Youth Development Educator
Extension Crawford County
225 N. Beaumont Rd, Suite 240
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
Phone: 608-326-0224
Related Links of Interest:
- 4-H National Web Portal: http://4-h.org/ is your one-stop shop for 4-H Web sites.
- National 4-H Supply
- Extension 4-H County Sites
- Wisconsin 4-H
More in this Section
- 4-H Projects
- 4-H Club Resources
- Children’s Advisory Board
- Record Book Information
- County Activities
- Older Youth Opportunities
- Animal Science Projects
- 4-H Camps
- Why 4-H?
- YQCA-Youth for the Quality Care of Animals
- Enroll in 4-H!
- Science Programs
- Crawford County Teen Court
- Crawford County 4-H Project Videos