Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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Lexington Herald-Leaderi

Lexington, Kentucky

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THE LEXINGTON SUNDAY HERALD-LEADER PAGE 7 Chandler Pays Part Of Cost Of Keeping National Guard In Harlan County SUNDAY JULY 2 1939 nersia-Lesder Photo The 12 United States drputy marshals shown In the picture above yesterday took oaths of office at the Federal building here at the completion of four-year terms of office and the atart of new terms The oath was administered in the office of Marshall John Moore by Mrs Alice Witherspoon notary public and clerk in the federal probation parole office here The deputy marshals shown here as they took the oath are left to right: Frank Scanlon Lexington Monroe Thompson Waynesburg Magann Catlettsburg Neal Guilfoil ML Sterling Reuben Batson Lexington Asher Lexington Andrew Combs Jackson Earl Cooper Ixinglon: Sam Porter Lexington Jones Harlan A Gayle Lexington chief deputy marshal and John Hrahman Covington John McKinney who was to have taken the oath was ill and unable to come here yesterday May Expenses Total $53694 Governor Says Act Belies Statement Of Lexingtonian FRANKFORT Ky July 1 Part of the cost of keeping National Guardsmen on duty in Harlan coal fields was met today when Governor Chandler paid out $5360425 for expenses incurred by the militia in the month of May The payment was made out of the governor's emergency fund which was increased oday with the beginning of the 1939-40 fiscal year The officers' and soldiers' payroll and maintenance expenses from May 15 when the troops were ordered out until May 30 were met by the payment Chandler and Adjt-Gen Lee McClain said the June bill had not arrived and added they would be paid when they were presented The sum of $3712250 went for payrolls The remaining $1657175 was broken down os follows Provisions $3704 utilities 6283 34 living quarters $93953 transportation $123536 medical rare $12888: auto repairs $22774 gasoline and oil $138216 rations $845788 and expenses S23233 As he authorized payment of the bills Chandler whose administration was left with a similir bill by the preerding administration recalled a statement by Capt Dewey Congleton Lexington National Guard officer that the soldiers wouldn't be paid this year and aaid' "This belies the ublic statement of Captnin Cungh'ton that the soldiers wouldn't be paid Captain Congleton was reported in a Lexington news account as Laving marie the statement in an address before a Lexington luuch-eon club Three hundred troops still remain in the Harlan area At one time there were 1250 there Chandler ordered the soldier out to 'protrrt the Iglil to wn of any iniiirr willing to return to work after unsuccessful contract negotiations between the Harla County Coal Operators Association and the Vnited Mine Workers of America Chandler acted on the request of Harlan County Judge Dali Property Deeded Wrong Is Plea GEORfETOWN Ky July 1 Special! Suit to avoid a conveyance of property from a man to his wife during the pendency of an ac-ton in Scott Circuit Court was filed today by Drowning against Talmage Lee and Auline Lee his wife Browning who won a judgment for $230 in circuit court recently in his petition alleges that Lee deeded property to his wife which legally should have been his following awarding of the I and Junior Order United American Mechanics lie Is survived by two sous Olllr Rayburn of this city and Joint Rayburn of Ep worth Lewis county and one nephew Brooks Rayburn of this city Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Mt Carmel Christian church with burial in Mt Carmel cemetery Will Launch Drive Monday Hospital -Service Certificates To Be Sold In Montgomery MT STERLING Ky July 1 (Special) The annual drive for funds for the Mary Chiles hospital will be launched Monday morning with Mrs James McDonald as chairman Money will be sought through sale of $5 hospital-service certificates entitling the owner and members of his family to a 10 per cent reduction on all hospital bills and on medical supplies purchased during the patient's hospitalization The certificates will be dated July 1 1939 and will be good for one year Proceeds from the sale will be used to cover expenses on a nurses' home now being constructed Band To Sell Fair Tickets The Mt Sterling community band will have charge of ticket sales for the Montgomery county fair which will be held here July 27-29 it was announced this week by Secretary Joe Turley The 60-piece musical organization directed by Prof Jack Dameron will receive a percentage of the gate receipts and will provide the music at the various functions Turley has announced that one-dollar pari-mutuel tickets will be sole this year instead of the $2 tickets offered at previous fairs here Paris Is Next Foe Mt Sterling will meet Paris In a Bluegrass Amateur League baseball game at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon nt Kimbrough park in Owingsville Malinger Josh Arinins suit! tniluy that either Costigun or Kendall and Adams would compose the battery for the local nine with Fceback and Thompson doing duty for Paris This will be the serond game played this season between the two teams Mt Sterling won the first tilt at Paris 2 to 0 In Sommer School Montgomery county students enrol Ini for suiiiitirr nurses at I he llitlvrtslly of Kentucky Include Hubert Lauglilin Kenneth Gillespie Sherman Henderson Leonard Hinson and John Albert Ras-senfoss of Mt Sterling and Thomas Isaacs Rogers of Jeffersonville Hr ('lark' To l'rrarli Dr Clark elder of the Lexington district will preach and administer the lirts's Supper at the Grassy Lick Methodist church Sunday morning The service will be followed by the last quarterly conference It has been announced by the pastor the Rev Bradley The Snapp Union of the young people's division will meet at the First Methodist church of Winchester Monday night July 17 to elect new officers for the coming year Church Plans Celebration The 106th anniversary of the founding of the Antioch Christian church will be observed with a homecoming program Sunday Scheduled activities include Sunday school worship at 10 a sermon by the pastor the Rev Beale at 11 o'clock picnic dinner spread on the church grounds at 12:30 with afternoon addresses by the Rev Stephen Osbourne former Antioch pastor and Dr George Moore head of the department of religion and philosophy at Transylvania College A special quartet from the Corinth Christian church will assist with the musig Church Notes Dr Savage pastor of the First Methodist church of ML Sterling has announced graduation cxcrciM-a and school exhibits of the daily vacation Bible school as part of the Sunday school services Sunday morning The Young People's League will meet at 6:30 o'clock Sunday night The Rev William Triplett of Mt Sterling will conduct both morning and night services Sunday at the Hope Church of God Baptismal services will be held at 3 in the afternoon The Forty Hours Adoration service which began at 7 o'clock Friday morning at St Catholic church will be concluded with prayer benediction and processional at 7:30 o'clock Sunday night The public has been invited to the services Friends For 50 Years Decide To Wed At 80 COLUMBUS Ohio For Mr and Mrs Ellis Hswkins life begins at 80 "Daddy" Hawkins 85 and the former Bigler C2 had been friends for more than half a century Three years ago their respective children Orilla Hawkins and Leo Bigler were married The parents both in excellent health recently decided to follow in the footsteps and now are starting life all over again and are sure they "will live happily ever Mt Sterling Man Dies In Baltimore MT STERLING Ky July 1 Special) William Payne about 60 of Mt Sterling died today at the Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore it was learned here this afternoon lie underwent an appendicitis operaation earlier this week In ill health for several months he was taken to Baltimore for treatment several days Hgo Ilia aprvlvoia Ineluiln three ala (era Mias Mattie Mra William 11 Ulcvina and Mra Mary Marker all of Montgomery county and several nieces and nephews The body will be returned here Sunday night unci funeral serviees will be held at the residence on Clay street at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning the Rev Howard Stephenson pastor of the First Christian church officiating Durial will be in Marlipelah cemetery Mrs Charles Ball Succumbs At Paris PARIS Ky July 1 Mrs Minnie Virginia Clark Dali 71 wife of Charles Ball died at 7:35 o'clock this morning at her home on Pleasant street here She had been in poor health uboul two years but had been seriously ill only three weeks She was born in Fleming county daughter of the late (Thomas and Susan Tibbs Clark She la survived by her husband one sister Mra Cordelia Lipscomb of this city and three brothers Dave Clark of Lexington Floyd Clark of Swing and Clark of Cynthiana The body was removed to the Hinton-Turner funeral home where funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon with the Rev Tinder officiating Burial will be in the Paris cemetery Pallbearers will be Floyd Clark Dave Clark Clark Champ Clark Clark Allen and Roy Doyle Retired Maysville Merchant Dies MAYSVILLE Ky July 1 John Joseph Klipp 86 retired Maysville merchant died at Ida home today llo wua a deacon in the First Christian church a charter member of the Knights of Pythias and Red Men and a member of the Masonic body Surviving are one daughter Mrs Anna Klipp Clark two grandchildren Mrs Frances Clark Moore of this city and John Morton Clark of Detroit one greatgrandchild John Albert Clark and one brother rhillip Klipp of Cincinnati Funeral services will be held at the John Porter and Son funeral home at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon the Rev Hilton Wind-ley pastor of the Christian church and the Rev Robert von Thurn of the Presbyterian church in charge Delegates Pick Wesleyan Again Methodist Group Ends Conference At Winchester WINCHESTER Ky July 1 (Special) Delegates to the Methodist young people's assembly today voted to hold the annual conference at Kentucky Wesleyan College again next year Charles Eurcy of Louisville president the 1939 assembly slated that tiie 1940 session probably would be held the last week in June Tli conference opened here Monduy with the registration of 163 delegates and ended today with consecration services in the college chapel under the supervision of the Rev Roy Short of Louisville executive secretary and the Rev Bollos of Glasgow dean of the assembly Held On Liquor Charge Police early today arrested Alvin Miller 35-yrar-nM Wlnrhrslrr Negro and rniiflrM'iileil II) gallons of moonshine whisky which they said they found in his room on West Washington street The arrest was made by Capt Clay Parke and Potrolmnn Robert Huker at 12:40 o'clock Miller was placed in the county jail to await arraignment before United States Commissioner William Hays In Miller's place officers reported that they found six empty barrels and other containers whirh "smelled strongly of moonshine" Quartet To Give Program The Anderson College Ambassador quartet of Anderson Ind will present a musical program at the First Church of God at 7:30 o'clock Monday night It was announced today The quartet is composed of Warren Edmonson Roscoe Snowden Alvin Shackeiton and Eldridgc McKenzie The singers arc making a tour through the Southeast No Mail Delivery Tuesday Postoffice officials stated today that there would be no city or rural delivery of mail Tuesday the Fourth of July but that the general delivery window would bn open from 8 a to 10 a The majority of city and county offices and all federal departments here will close for the holiday No general public observance has been planned Many stores announced that their doors would be closed Tuesday Harrison County Votes Wet By 1077 Edge CYNTHIANA Ky July 1 (Special) Harrison county today approved by more than 1000 votes the sale of intoxicating beverages within the county results of today's local option election revealed The vote was: For local option 1758 against 2835 giving the a majority of 1077 Election officers said that voting was light and pointed to the fact that only 4593 ballots were marked during the day's voting while there arc 8425 voters registered in the county No disorders were reported during tho voting In any of the county's 29 precincts All eight precincts in Cynthiana voted the tabulation showed tonight Only nine precincts in the county polled majorities The nine precincts were Sylvan Dell Shady Nook Oddvillc Leesburg Broadwcll Connersvllle Pleasant Green Klnman and Richland Mrs Sallie Daniel Dies In Louisville Mrs Sallie Daniel 73 wife of (lie late Daniel of Lexington died yesterday afternoon at the home of her son Harry Daniel of Louisville relatives nere were informed Mrs Daniel was a native of Lexington and had lived here until the death of her husband a year and a half ago She is survived by two sons Harry Daniel Louisville and Roger Daniel Cincinnati a niece Mrs William Frazier Lexington and a nephew Roland Hadden also of Lexington Mss Frazier and Mr lladdcn went to Louisville after learning of the death The body will be brought here Sunday to the Redding and Gudgel funeral home where it will remain uilil 2 o'clock Monday afternoon when funeral services will be held at the Calvary Baptist church conducted by Dr Ecton Interment will follow in the Mt Sterling cemetery Teachers Named In Montgomery Faculty Selected By Board During Three-Hour Session MT STERLING Ky July 1 A three-hnur session of the Montgomery county school board here resulted the election of teachers recommended by the rounty superintendent Mis Nell Guy McNamara The superintendent's recommendation of Golden as attendance officer however was rejected by the board in a 3-2 vote Members opposing Golden's re-election to the post were Mrs William Marshall Frank Boyd and Shirley Mason Voting for (toldrn were Mrs Glnter and Woodson Jacobs chairman of the hoard This afternoon's session concluded a series of meetings covering a period bf several weeks during which the naming of teachers was passed The board members have been at variance since Wheeler suing as a defeated candidate failed in his efforts to oust Mrs Marshall under provisions of the Corrupt Practices act Teachers for the various county schools as approved by the board follow: Mapleton Glenmore Hogge principal Georgie Kerns Edith Tolliver Cat'-ftt Olrham Bessie Hogge and Mary Mackic Camar'o A A Williams prineinsl Robert CYnpnd inker Malinin I) Thomas Gcm-glti II McGnffey Anna Mnntjny lama Crsocnbaker Mary Daniel Ethel Chappel and Leona Chenault Jeffersonville Mary Sue Reid Snlcm Mabel Blevins Science Crayton Jackson Gertrude Wells and Cleirma Shu-bert Antioch Ruth Greenwade Lower Spencer Pearl Hatfield Howard's Mill Thelma Charles ami Maude It Hamlllnn I a lie Kmily ll lluddrii an I l-rxl II Dean Oak Mary Foley and Ada McK Lee Council Willie May and Laura Watson Feyton's Lick Edna Gilvin High Top Nancy Skaggs Side-view Mary Anderson and Elizabeth Mark Grassy Mary Greene and Anna Mason Levee Elsie George Louise Oldham and Fannie Brannock Wil- Virginia Cotton and Ianiise Bedford Spruce May me Willoughby Tine 11(11 Fenton Centers and Elizabeth Keath Ira Barnes Cook's Edgar Sell Upper Klamath Keath Negro Bonner principal India Davis Robin Davis Hackett William Els-ter Paltie Carrington Mildred Gatewood and Cornie McClure Special Training Offered The school for field supervisors for the 1939 agricultural conservation program for Montgomery county will open at 9 o'clock Monday morning at M-iplcton school it was iiiiiiouneed today by County Agent Floyd McDnnl-l Kenneth Sharp member of the state and federal staff of the conservation program will be in charge of the school and will rontinne ni supervision of the workers who will be selected following an examination at the end of next week The county agent said that 27 applicants would take the course and from this number about 20 will be named to survey the agricultural outlay of the county fifteen members of tiie class are former supervisors Bible School To Open At Midway Monday MIDWAY Ky July 1 (Special) A daily vacation Bible school will open at 8 o'clock Monday morning at the Midway Baptist church and will continue for two weeks Mrs Joe Tfeiffer is general superintendent The school will be for all boys and girls in this community between the ages of four and 17 years regardless of their church affiliation Midway Ilrirfs Tandy Ellis of Ghent will speak at the vesper service at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the Fannie Graves open-air theater on the campus of the Kentucky Female Orphan School Dr Voigt has been a patient nt the Woodford Memorial hospital in Versailles for two weeks Little change in his condition is reported Mrs Richardson was hostess Friday for the meeting of her bridge club In the games which followed luncheon prizes were won by Miss Lucy Bethel Holt Miss Katherine Walling of Louisville and Miss Kathryn Withrow Others present were Mrs Julian Walden Mrs Henry Harper Mrs Mary Moody Mrs Charles Steele Mrs Lewis A Piper Mrs Wilbur Gill Mrs Ambrose Preston Mrs Jean Belt and Mrs Roy Farmer Miss Ann Tarlton Thomas who has been visiting her aunt Mrs Alex Gravitt of Frankfort returned home Thursday accompanied by Miss Ruth Gravitt Miss Katherine Walling of Louisville Is the guest of Mrs Ambrose Preston Mrs George Noel will entertain her two-table bridge club Wednesday at a luncheon Mrs Gatrell Mr and Mrs Glass and Mrs Rose Musnick attended the Friendship night party given Thursday night by the Rising Sun chapter of the nt Georgetown Supervisors Are Selected Checking Of Leaf Acreage To Begin Monday In Woodford VERSAILLES Ky July 1 Fifteen of the 18 applicants for positions as supervisors to check the tobacco acreage on Woodford farms were selected today County Agent John Collins sulri The selections were made on the basis of examinations given the applicants at the close of a four-day training school Friday Twelve of the staff members will be given field work and three will be assigned office duties Mr Collins said Surveying of the farms will start Monday The acreage of the 1939 crop is expected to be about the same as last year Mr Collins stated Supervisors selected are II Cluylon Jr Bill lloggess Ilenry Carl Jr Tavner Dunlap Homer Hedges Jesse Mountjoy Orr Overby Tom Prather Reginald rralhcr Kenneth Rush JI Rush Jr Clyde Shot well Willmott Jr and Franklin Watts Newby Held Te Grand Jury Clarence Newby Negro 23 of Russclltown was held to the October grand jury under $5000 bond today by Police Judge Howard Newby was charged with an attempt to rape Gertrude Rice Negro 17 Thursday night Newby was remanded to jail In default of bond Addition May Be Built Architect's plans for the proposed addition to the Woodford Memorial hospital are expected to be submitted to the hospital board by July 10 Miss Edith Marshall president of the Hospital Circle said today Miss Marshall stated she had consulted a Cincinnati architect early last week The addition would include a two-story wing for use as an isolation ward and Negro emergency ward the board head added The hospital addition was proposed after a trust fund created last winter by Mrs Haggin of Versailles and New York named the institution as one of the beneficiaries Hillsboro Resigns The Rev Claude Broach for the last three years pastor of the Hillsboro Baptist church near here has announced his resignation He and Mrs Broach will leave Monday for Covington La where he will spend the summer and study for a Ph degree Mr Broach said today he would become connected with Baptist student training work in the South 209 At Johnson Rally Two hundred persons were present at an organization meeting of Keen Johnson supporters last night at the courthouse Talks were made by Robert Humphreys highway commissioner and Vego Dnrnes Unemployment Compensation Commission executive Workers of each of the 21 county precincts were present Judge Howard county chairman presided Will Is Probated The will of A Cox farmer who died this week was admitted to probate today on oaths Miss Edith Campbell and Jesse The document directed that the property be given to his two daughters Mrs Maude Cox Richter and Miss Ida Cox in equal shares The will stated that a son James Cox had been given ills share of the estate during the lifetime of Mr Cox Garrett A Railey and Harvey Steadman were named appraisers Kentucky Deaths William Rayburn MAYSVILLE Ky July 1 (Special) William Rayburn 81 died Friday at his home near Mt Carmel He had been in failing health for several months A native of Lewis county he was the son of and Martha Martin Rayburn and was a member of the 20000 Bids For Sesqui To Be Sent PARIS Ky June 1 Approximately 20000 invitations will lie issued within the next few weeks for the Paris Scsquiccn-tennial which will be held in this city Sept 3-6 Mrs Thomas Prewitt is chairman of the invitation committee The Invitations Include a map showing llm original bnundutica of Bourbon county as defined by an act of the Virginia legislature Around the border of the map are listed places of historic interest in the county and Paris Directors of the celebrnllnn corporation are: Arthur Hanco*ck Mrs Cassius Clay A Wallis Virgil Chapman Miss Elizabeth Grimes Mrs Thomas Henry Clay Mrs Henry Cay wood Joe Hedges Kwalt Miss Helen Hiilcherafl Mrs Edwin Thomus Culcsby Sjwiirs Miss Blanche Lilleston Mrs Sanford Carpenter Mrs May Stoner Clay Duncan Bell Mrs Woodford Spears Mrs Judy Mrs Ingim English John Mnrston John Jones Harvey Rogers Mrs James Thompson Mrs Virgil Chapman Robert Meteer Sam Clay Frank Kiser Mrs A Orr Dr II Dailey William Garrard Talbott Gorey James II Thompson Judge William Ardery Dr Martha Pctrce William Myall Mrs Charlton Alexander Mrs Ed sell Clark Sr Wol-verson the Rev Tindpr Sims Wilson Callrll lluckner Clarence Kenney James Bryan Tollie Young William McClintnck Miss Nannie Clark Pearce Paton Clay Ward Douglas Parrish Bedford Sr Mra Bettie Mcllvaine Buckner Hinkle Mrs Durand Whipple Miss Kate Alexander Lee Stephenson Wilmoth Miss Elizabeth Embry Mrs Albert Hinton Prichard Stanley Dickson Mrs Amos Turney Gene Lair Mrs Charles Martin Voiney Ferguson Mrs Kay Ardary Jr Mrs John Davis Mrs Edward Burke Ben Woodford Jr Miss Elizabeth Steele the Rev John Groves Herman Santen Carl Johnson Raymond Turner Pruitt Mrs Thomas Prewitt Barnett Winters Mrs Frazier Insko Mrs Clay Sutherland Mrs A Thompson Miss Elizabth Miller William Butler Mrs John Lair Mrs Richard Caywood Arthur Hanco*ck Jr Phillip Watlington Mrs Joe Mackey Grimes Dr ltichtnan Mrs II Current Mrs James Liter Dr Lee Kirkpatrick II Darnaby the Rev Stoker A Thompson Elizabeth Grimes 'Chapman Mrs Vansant Mrs Raymond Connell Mrs John Harris Clay Dr Pillcngcr Mrs Harry Clay Hiram Koseberry Hamlet Collier William Grannon A Scott and Ireland Davis Retired Mail Carrier Dies At Sharpsburg SHARPSBURG Ky July 1 (Special) Charles Lee Sharp 67 retired rural mail carrier died parly this morning at his hump here He hud been in ill health for several years and critically ill for two weeks Son of the late John and Leah Potts Sharp he is survived by one brother Will Sharp town marshal of this city Funeral services will be held at the grave in Crown Hill cemetery Sunday afternoon Pallbearers will be Waller Sharp Charles Wood Waller Sharp III Thomas Sharp Boyd and McCue mmm Cammack Endorsed By Woodford County Bar VERSAILLES Ky July 1 The Woodford County Bar Association today approved resolutions endorsing the candidacy of Judge James Cammack Jr of Owenton who is seeking the nomination for appellate judge from the fifth district The resolution was signed by Judge Field Mc-100(1 president of the association and Will Jesse secretary and was endorsed its sponsors said by all members of the Woodford bar The resolution stated Judge Mrs William Ellis MAYSVILLE Ky July 1 (Rpe-rlsli Mis Mull in Hntvni'il Ellis 76 wife of William Kills retired farmer of near Germantown died Friday at her home in Germantown She had been in failing health several months Mr and Mra Ellis observed their (i2nU wedding anniversary Thursday Mrs Ellis daughter of the late Mr and Mrs John Brevard of Mason county is survived her husband two daughters Mrs Lank Wilson and Mrs Walter Kills one sister Mrs Belle Young and one brother Albert Brevard Funeral services were conducted this afternoon at the Germantown Christian church with burial following In the Germantown cemetery Mrs Ilattie Wainscott NICIIOLASVILLE Ky July 1 Mrs Hattie Wainscott 74 died at her home at High Bridge today She Is survived by two daughters Mrs Frances Pearce of Ludlow and Mrs Howard Fiefield of Detroit Mirh and two sons George Wainsentt of Ludlow anti Bryan Wainsentt of Lexington Funeral services will be held at the residence at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon and the body will be taken to Covington Monday morning for burial Utilities Official Dies At Winchester WINCHESTER Ky July 1 William Hackctt 70 local manager of the Kentucky Utilities Company for more than a quarter of a century died of a heart attack this afternoon at his home on Potomac avenue Mr Hackett a native of Ireland moved to Winchester from Jackson Ohio He was a member of the Knights of Columbus He is survived by his wife Mrs Sallie Peters llackelt a son John Ilacketl Winchester a daughter Mrs Craig Broadhurst Columbus Ohio a sister Miss Elizabeth Hackett and a brother Patrick Hackett both of Jackson Ohio Funeral services probably will be held Monday morning (t St Catholic church by the Rev Father Schulte Burial will be in the Winchester cemetery Estill Still Raided Two Youths Nabbed IRVINE Ky July (Special) Ebon Champion of Lexington Alcoholic Tax Unit agent and Constables Haber and Rucker this morning raided a still on the farm of Isom Tipton six miles east of Irvine on Cow creek and arrested two men and confiscated or destroyed the following: Two 50 gallon stills 17 50-gallon fermenters 850 gallons of mOsh six gallons of moonshine and two 15-gallon cans The officers said they arrested Hubert Pitts 22 and while they were at the still George Crowe 19 walked up to the site with two 15-gallon cans and he also was arrested The prisoners were taken to Richmond where Commissioner Thorpe held them under $200 bond each to await action of the federal grand jury General Marshall Takes Command Of Army WASHINGTON July 1 Taking command of the Army as new chief of staff Gen George Marshall said today he would undertake to carry out the general policies of his predecessor General Mai in Craig without material change Bus leaving Wesley Chapel church Georgetown 7 a July 4 for Chickasaw Park Louisville Round trip $1 children 75c Adv Will Shoot At Paris Five members of the Dry Run Skeet Club will go to Paris Sunday afternoon to meet the Dourbon Skeet and Gun Club in a shoot Members of the local club who will compete are Nunnelley Jr Victor Bradley Jr Edgar Sharp Leo Sheehan and James Pickett Georgetown Briefs Georgetown banks the public library postoffice and several city and county agencies will be closed Tuesday July Fourth Mrs Sallie Davis of Everett Wash is visiting her brother and Thomason A Sunday school conference will be held Sunday afternoon at the Turkeyfoot Christian church sponsored by the Scott County Christian Sunday School Association McCord Funeral Held At Winchester WINCHESTER Ky July 1 Special! Funeral services for Charles Burkley McCord 75 who died suddenly Friday afternoon at his home here were held today at the grave in the Winchester cemetery conducted by Dr Lander pastor of the First Presbyterian church and the Rev Paul Montgomery pastor of the Central Baptist church Fellbrnrrrs were II Robb Jr Wells Adams Joe Johnson Thurlen Qutsenberry Haggard Vernon McIntosh and Carter Lattis Deaths And Funerals Vassllios Ghlradis Funeral services for Vassilios hi cadis 78 of 612 Columbia avenue oldest member of the Lexington Greek community and an exile from Turkey since 1922 who died Thursday at his home will be held at 230 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Episcopal church of the Good Shepherd The Rev John Magulis of the Greek Orthodox rhvrch Cincinnati and the Rev John Mulder rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd will Tv funeral sebyiceses Moderate Charges Cash Discounts Budget Terms Cor nvrr deprlird anjons nt i Mil an) Funeral Service I 159-165 Broadway '4 it SifW For Sale Crop seed potatoes Peach Glow Call Virgil llarney Adv Mrs Prather Named Mrs Sallie Mae Prather of Little Rock was named a commissioner of the Hamilton fund at a meeting of the fiscal court Mrs Prather succeeds Mrs Brutus Clay resigned Other commissioners of the fund are Mrs John Connell and Mrs Talbott Sr The county tax rate was set the same as last year 62 cents and the county school tax was lowered from 60 to 56 cents The school poll tax is $1 and the county poll tax $150 The court voted to pay $750 each month beginning today to Mrs Ernest Hutchison for Ernest Hutchison Jr 12 who recently lost the sight of his only good eye The report of the budget committee was approved Magistrates Shropshire Hopkins and Jacoby were named a committee to purchase road oil Scouts To Perform Paris nnd Millcrshurg Hoy Srouls will give a 15-ininutc demonstration at 7:45 o'clock Wednesday night at the Municipal park preceding the diamond ball game it was announced today by Dr Pitt-enger president of the local soft-ball league John Richey and A Scott arc Scoutmasters of the local troops and Billy Butler is in charge of the Millersburg troop The game Wednesday night will be between the Bourbon Transfer and Supply and Millersburg teams Garden Club Picnic The liourbon County Garden Club will hold a picnic Thursday at Blue Licks Mrs Rabold state president will be guest of honor The occasion will include a joint meeting of the Bourbon Fleming Mason and Drarkcn Gar-dch Clubs Miss Louise Wyatt is chairman of luncheon and Mrs Thomas Dillon is chairman of transportation To Hold Skeet Shoot PARIS Ky July 1 (Special) The Bourbon Skeet Club will hold an independent shoot July 4 at its range on the Hume-Bcdford pike The shoot will begin at 1 o'clock Eggs can cry declares a British scientist after special experiments officiate Burial will be in the Lexington cemetery Pallbearers will be Charles Donos Paul Seteis Kafoglis John Chaikas Jofe and Ernest Tynbans The body will be taken at 6 o'clock tonight from the Lowe funeral home to the residence of Mrs Mary Yankos 385 South Limestone street a daughter of Mr Ghicadis where it will remain until time for service Monday afternoon Cammaek was endorsed and recommended to Woodford county voters because Judge Cammnck's services had been "highly satisfactory and worthy of commendation" A copy of the resolution was sent to Judge Cammock today Sark one of the Channel islands of Great Britain has its own language A form of Norman French it is understood only by about 500 people 4 I.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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