The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

CUMBERLANDS ARE ENJOINED CASE ON IN FEDERAL COURT. JUDGE SANFORD TO HEAR ARGUMENT ON APRIL 21. Grace Church at Nashville in the Hands of Unionists, Who Refuse to Give Up Property-Proposition to Buy Turned Down by Loyalists. NASHVILLE. April -The Cum.

berland Presbyterian Church property controversy got into the federal court today, judge Sanford granted a temporary restarining order preventing the Cumberlands from molesting the members and others in the possession of Grace Church. of this city, pending the hearing of the prayer for an injunction on April: 24. The Injunction to sought at that time is to the effect that the lovalists be restrained from interfering. taking the Grace Church property or attempting to take it. and that the loyalists be further restrained from Interfering with the unionist complain.

ants in the possession of the church and its property. morning the Russell Street Presbyterian Church. speaking through its pastor, the Rev. George W. Shelton, submitted to the loyalists 3 proposition to settle the property question by paying the loyalista a certain sum and keeping the property.

and further suggesting or expressing the desire for a conference. The loyalists have not vet sent back their formal answer to the proposition of the Russell Street Church, but It is given out from their headquarters today that the propositions of the Russell Street Church, or of Dr. Shelton, are duly declined. The Cumberlande state that they will not consider the money proposition. and that they do not desire a conference: that the time for 8 conference has long since passed; that the unionists held the property for several years.

and made DO such proposition as that or those coming today until they bad lost. Another important development of today. one that could have been foretold in the communications that have passed, is that the unionists, who have been in control of the Russell Street Cumberland Presbyterian Church. declined to surrender the prop. ert at noon today.

in accordance with the ultimatum issued a day or 80 ago by the unionists. Again It was learned from the loralists today that a bill would probably be filed in the chancery court in the near future, probably in a few days, seeking to obtain po6session of the Russell Street Presbyterian Church. in view of the recent decision of the supreme court of Tennessee. DIBRELL TALKS CN TAXES. Makes Plea for a Uniform Assessment Over State.

NASHVILLE. April 14. Over seventy county and city tax assessors were nresent in the senate chamber vesterday to hear an address from Comptroller Dibrell. and give and get pointers from him and the revenue and assessment committee of the legislature concerning assessments. The meeting was called to order by Comptroller Dibrell.

and afetr the roll call. Assessor Tom I Ferguson of Dyer county chairman. Emil Wassman of Hamilton county was made secretary. Comptroller Dibrell "followed in an address. in which he discussed matters of revenue and assessment, pointing out the inequalities now existent, and urging uniformity of assessment.

He urged assessors to do their duty in this respect, and extolled the benefits to accrue the abolition of the old district assessment system. Senator Fisher of the legislative revenue committee said his committee had been state trying to devise ways and means for raising state revenue. They BLOOD CLEANSING. SPRING TONIC. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is an Ideal Spring Medicine That Never Fails to Put the Blood in Right Condition and to Make Life Worth Living.

Now when the gentle Spring days are here and the seasonable Spring showers are revivifying all nature, and all plant life i is starting to bud forth in glory, many a man and woman does not feel the joyousness which they should at this season. Rather they feel languid. tired, have very little or no appetite, ambition is gone, lack energy, enjoy neither work nor rest. Life in their case at least is largely a burden, a thing to be endured, not to be enjoyed. All this simply means that the system needs toning up, and each and every function of the body needs stimulating and strengthening.

This once accomplished, life again becomes a joy and pleasure. If your system is in need of a blood-cleansing tonic that will start and then keep the whole machinery of the human frame running smoothly and naturally, it is your evident duty to seek out and find some tried, approved and safe remedy that will do the work of cleansing the blood and building up the tissue without at the same leaving any injurious effects. Many physicians preseribe and indorse Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as an ideal Spring medicine. one that does its work effectively in purifying the blood. in stimulating the heart, in aiding digestion and in adding fresh vigor and life to the entire body.

Large numbers of those who have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey are most loud in its praise. It is the only absolute preventive and cure of pneumonia, consumption, grip, bronchitis, asthma, stomach and nervous diseases, malaria and low fevers. If weak and run down, take a teaspoonful four times a day in half a glass of milk or water. BY MAIL PREPAID. If you are unable to secure Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey from the local druggist or dealer, we have made special arrangements and will have shipped direct, in plain case.

express prepaid, to any address: 1 Bottle for. $1.00 4 Bottles for. $3.80 6 Bottles for. $5.50 12 Bottles for. on receipt of the price.

Money may be sent certified check, post office order or express Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester, N. Full particulars, free medical booklet and advice sent on application. References: Rochester Bank or Trust Dun's Any or Bradstreet's Agency. Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Ellis Drug Sambucetti, Bianchi Lillybeck Drug Co. and Elliott Burke, 235 S.

Main Street, Distributers. the the THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, MEMPHIS, THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 15, 1909. 3 Rival Candidates For D.AR. Presidency and Leader of One Faction MICS.

MATTHEW SCOTT, OF ILLINOIS had found a great inequality in the assess this meeting would be of great good to the ment property over the state. 11e believed state. He favored reaching an agreement whereby there may be an equalization of assessments throughout the state. If an agreement is reached by the tax assessors whereby all property may be assessed at a given ratio to the full value, there way be no fear of a treasury Representative Tatum of Dyer favored a uniform system of assessment throughout the state. He favored, too.

compelling the assessment of personalty, which SO often escapes taxation. If this is done, there will be a considerable increase in revenues. Senators Cummings and Lane and Representatives Leach. Hall and Worley spoke along similar lines. Emil Wassman also spoke.

It was finally decided to effect a permanent organization of the assessors, and a committee on pian was appointed, to report at 2 o'clock. The legislative revenue and assessment committee tonight heard Sam Chambless, Victor DeGeorges and John Griffin of Chattanooga in opposition to the imposition of privilege taxes not now assessed. The committee will bold another executive session tomorrow to hear Davidson county officials. No more open sessions will be held. At the afternoon session the following was adopted: "To the Finance, Ways and Means Committee of the Senate and House.

"Whereas. the law provides property shall be assessed a at its actual cash value, and as we have taken an oath to assess all property at its actual cash value, be it "Resolved. That it is the sense of this convention that we assess all property at the aetnal cash value as we see it. of course taking into consideration all conditions surrounding such TO CHANGE PRISON SYSTEM. Senator Neal Has a Bill Providing For This.

NASHVILLE, April -Senator Neal will. it is said, introduce a bill when the legislature reconvenes working a complete change in the state prison system. Mr. Neal's bill, as outlined by him today, will provide, in brief, for the appointment of 3 long-term board of trustees, which shall be appointed in the same manner as the boards which have direction of the affairs of state hospitals for the insane. This will, the bill will prothree, vide.

consist of perhaps six members, two to be named by the governor from each grand division of the state. To this general board will be delegated the direct authority of appointing the three commissioners, who will have immediate supervision and direction of the management of the state prisons, as has the present commission of three. whose members are now appointed directly by the governor. This general board of six will, of course, have general supervision of the entire prison system, but will receive no compensation except, perhaps, mile. age and per diem when in actual attendauce upon their regular meetings.

It is further proposed, SO far as such may be possible, to place al the prison officials, from the three commissioners mentioned down, under civil service regulations, so as to insure the appointment of only such men as may thee able to show their entire fitness for positions which they may seek. TWO REELFOOT LAKE BILLS. One to Clear up the Titles and the Other to Condemn the Lake. NASHVILLE. April 14.

The Reeifoot lake legislative committee, if reports are true, has about decided to have two bills before the legislature when it convenes. The first bill will empower the attorneygeneral of the state, with the assistance of the attorney of the Fourteenth judicial eircuit, which includes Obion and Lake counties, where the lake is located, to file bills for the purpose of clearing up all titles to the lake property and to prosecute such suits to a final decree. These legal officials will, too, be authorized to employ additional counsel if necessary. A companion bill will empower the atof the state and attorney general of the Fourteenth jidicial circuit to file bills for the purpose of condemning Reelfoot lake and establishing thereof public game and fish preserve. Of course, such proceedings would only be had in case the suits filed under the provisions of the first bill developed the fact that the present owners of the property have proper tities thereto.

ODD FELLOWS' TRUSTEES MEET. CLARKSVILLE. April board of trustees of the Odd Fellows' Home is holding its semi-annual session in this city. Ernest H. Boyd, of Cookeville, was elected a member of the board to succeed E.

B. Mann, deceased: E. L. Gregory. of Mt.

Pleasant. was elected rice-president. succeeding Mr. Mann in that position. The superintendent, matron, treasurer and executive committee cubmitted reports showing the home to be in excellent condition.

An auditing committee. composed of J. P. Helm. J.

L. Price and E. H. Boyd. was appointed to go over the books of the institution.

The following trustees are present: Grand Master J. P. Helm. of Nashrille: Mrs. Mamie Abernathy.

of Pulaski, who is president of the Daughters of Rebekah Assembly: E. L. Gregory, of Mt. Pleasant: J. L.

Price. of Knoxville: T. E. McReynolds and Dancey Fort, of Clarksville. NEW RAILROAD CHARTERED.

NASHVILLE. April 14. The charter of the Tennessee. Alabama and Kentucky railway was filed with the secretary of state here today. Eastern capital is behind the enterprise.

and the terminals of the road are given 46 Louisville and Chattanooga. The road will penetrate the rich coal and iron fields of the upper Cumberland. SURVEYING A NEW RAILROAD. KNOXVILLE. April 14.

The Southern railway has just placed a corps of engineers in the field to make surrers for 8 new railroad from Jellico creek to the Cincinnati Southern railway. This proposed line will. it is claimed, reach one of the richest virgin coal regions in this see. tion and will open np much undeveloped coal property. thus increasing the East Tennessee mining ontnut.

It is expected the read will be built at once. REV. YATES ACCEPTS CALL. DYER. April H.

Clar Yates, D.D.. of Chattanooga, has accepted 2 call to the pastorate composed of Drer. Rutherford and JEt. Olive congregations of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and entered upon bis work last Sundar. HELD FOR OPENING LETTER.

PADUCAH. April Will Hamilton, a prisoner in the county jail. was given 3 hearing before United States Commission. er Armour Gardner on the of opening a letter and stealing $2 therefrom, aud beld to the federal grand jury. ST.

KATHERINE'S GIRLS ON TRIP. BOLIVAR. April 14. A nartr of St. Katherine's girls, chaperoned by Miss Elizabeth Joyner.

principal of the school, Tastefully Trimmed Hats Special Sale, $5.95 Hats HAVE at an prepared extremely a popular splendid price. assortment The of unusuai attractively value offered Trimmed in this line is possible through price concessions on shapes and trimmings, which our milliners have tastefully combined in Hats of unusual attract. iveness. Among the shapes are the Peach Basket, Mary Garden, Billy Burke, Mushroom -in fact most all of the high and low crown effects in vogue this season. These Hats are artistically and tastefully trimmed with flowers, folliage, fruits, ornaments, fancy feathers, etc.

Every color and shade in the least favorable will be found in the assortment. Hats for every occasion and fancy; values that can't be equaled short of $10. Specially featured today $5.95 BAsem*nT SALE OF TRIMMED HATS S' at a EVERAL decided hundred saving Dress of almost Hats go one-half. on sale They today are in the Bargain trimmed Bas ment with prettily flowers and foliage and come in most every prominent shade of the season. They are Hats that you will find hard to equal at from $4.00 to $5.00.

On sale in Basem*nt today at, $2.98 SAMPLE FLOWERS man purchased his entire from a sample traveling line sales- of flowers, and place the same on sale in the basem*nt today. They are worth up Your to choice $1.50. 25c MEMPHIS. TENN. MICS DONALD MC LEAN.

OF NEW SWING loft last evening for Miss Joyner gives the Mammoth, her Carder charge an outing each vear, claiming that travel. if possible. should be a part of the educational curriculum. NO EXCITEMENT AT WAVERLY. Trials of Alleged Night Riders Begin This Morning.

WAVERLY. April 14. -The trials of alleged night riders are set for tomorrow morning. Attorney-General Bow. wan will be assisted by a number of local attorneys.

The defense will have counsel from Nashville, Clarksville and other points. There is absolutely excitement. The fact of soldiers being sent here has no, caused more or less comment. but. on the whole, they were reecived graciously, many beliere it was a wise move.

on the principle that ounce of prevention 13 better than a pound of The general public here does not believe that there wiil be any trouble whatever when these men are tried. NO INCREASE IN TAX RATE. Will, in the Main, Remain As at Present. NASHVILLE. April 14.

-There will be no increase in the general state tax rate in Tennessee during the next two years. The present privilege taxes will. in the rain, remain as at present. Some minor privileges may be Increased slightly. There will doubtless be a few new privileges provided for.

The above will. from present indications, be the result of the investigations just concluded by the joint legislative committee the biennial revenue and assessment bills. HAD $3,000 IN HER BELT. CLARKSVILLE. April While the body of Mrs.

Adlear Cook, who died last Saturday, was being prepared for burial, relatives were greatly surprised to find a satchel made in the shape of a belt and extending around her waist, which contained nearly $3,000 in money. Mrs. Cook lived with relatives, and spent but little money. Prior to the death of her husband. about four years ago, he loaned $1.500 and this amount was paid to her.

but it was never known by relatives what disposition she made of NEW SCHOOL AT RUTHERFORD. HUMBOLDT. April This morning the board of education of Rutherford awarded a contract for a $12.000 extension to its public school building to N. B. L.

E. Rooks of this place, and the work wil be begun at once. This gives the town of Rutherford one of the finest public school buildings in the state for a town of its size. GEO. WRIGHT CRUSHED TO DEATH.

WINCHESTER. April -George caught between two buildings this morning at 9 o'clock and instantly killed. His skull and chest were crushed, death being instantaneous. Wright was assisting his father in removing the building occupied by the City Marble Works. close to the adjoining building, and in some manner was caught between the two build- ings.

BANK OF TROY ELECTS. TROY. April -At A recent meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Troy the following directors were elected: John W. Bennett. J.

R. Moffatt. Paul Ingram, James Russell. C. P.

Wilson. William Clear, James Presshy, L. A. Smith, J. W.

Brantley and C. L. Moffatt. A semi-annual dividend of 7 per cent. 13S declared.

payable in cash. In the twenty rears of this bank's existence only three semi-annual periods have passed when the cash dividend paid was less than 5 per cent. and it has been as much 38 8 per cent. It is one of the strongest institutions in Ten- nessee. LITTLE GIRL BADLY BURNED.

COVINGTON. April 14. -The 8-vear-old daughter of Robert Cromwell of the Third district was seriously if not fatally burned this morning. While her parents were out of the room the child in some way fell into the fire. and was badly burned before its screams attracted the attention of the mother.


under indictment here for embezzlement, was arrested today at Long Beach. and will be held for Kentucky officers. Bullard. the trusted bookkeeper of the with a large of the firm's money. Franklin Company.

absconded After several months' search. be was arrested in West Virginia and returned to Kentucky. Three months ago Bullard, with otber desperate effected his escape from the county jail at Hickman. County Attorney Thomas Smith will get requisition for Bullard. "COFFEE DOESN'T HURT ME." Tales That Are Told.

was one of the kind who wouldn't believe that coffee was hurting me. says a N. Y. woman. "You just couldn't convince me its use was connected with the heart and stomach trouble I suffered from, most trouble of the finally time.

got so bad I had to live on milk and toast almost entirely for three or four years. Still I loved the coffee wouldn't believe it could do such damage. "What I needed was to quit coffee and take nourishment in such form as my stomach could digest. "I had read much about Postum, but never thought it would fit my case until one day I decided to quit coffee and give it a trial and make sure about it. So I got a package and carefully followed the directions.

"Soon I to get better and was able to eat carefully selected foods with- out the aid of pepsin or other digestants and it was not long before I was really 3 new woman physically. "Now I am healthy and sound. cal eat auything and everything that comes along. and I know this wonderful change is all due to mr having quit coffee and got the nourishment I needed throguh this delicious Postum. "My wonder is why everyone don't give up the old coffee and the troubles that go with it and build themselves up as I hare done, with Easy to prove by 10 days trial of Postura in place of coffee.

The reward is big. Reason Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. MRS. SHERMAN FOR MRS.


Storey Are Rejoicing Over Announcement That VicePresident Sherman's Wife Is to Support Candidate. Special to The Commercial Appeal. WASHINGTON. April of Mrs. William Cummings Storey, state regent of the D.

A. R. in New York. and the "conservative" candidate for the office of president-general to succeed Mrs. Donald McLean, the president incumbent of the office.

are rejoicing tonight over the support being given Mrs. Storey's candidacy by v. Mrs. James S. Sherman, wife of the vice-president.

The McLeanites, or the administration forces. are supporting with heart and Mrs. Matthew Scott of Illinois for the same office. but a strong concerted movement is on foot to defeat Mrs. Scott for this office.

not for any personal reasons. for Mrs. Scott is greatly beloved by the daughters as a body. but because. it is said.

they believe that her pledges to continue present administrative methods would not for the beet interests of the society. Mrs. McLean, the present president-general, has had a brilliant regime. public cause for jubilation of the Storeyites lies in the fact that Mrs. Sherman has issned invitations for 8 monster reception to be given in honor of Mrs.

Storey who will be presented by Mrs. Sherman to the delegates. The president-general. Mrs. Donald McLean, has been invited.

the vice-presidentgeneral and the national officers. members of the congress and all visiting daughters. RECEPTION AT NEW WILLARD. The reception will be held at the New Willard on Saturday. April 17.

two days before the opening of the congress and the guests will be received by the vice-president and Mrs. Sherman and Mre. Storey. Mrs. Sherman has never held office in the D.

A. of which she is an enthusiastic member. Her official position in Washington and her advocacy of Mrs. Storey. is regarded as good campaign material for the "conservatives." The reception being held on the ere of the congress, its social features insuring a big attendance.

gives the delegates a chance to meet Mrs. Storey and incidentally her manager to get in some of the fine campaign work. Mrs. Sherman. it is said.

wishes it understood that all of the members of the Continental Cougress. officers Or delegates and alternates together with visiting daughters in Washington at the congress. are most cordially invited to attend this reception. NEW ENTRANCE TO HICKMAN. HICKMAN.

April the setond time in the past month the Nashville. Chattanooga and St. Louis railroad has had a gang of surverors here. making another or final survey for the purpose of the present route of their road along the changing river. and coming in from the south side of the town.

It is probable that this will be done this vear. and that the road will come down what is commonly known as Sleepy Hollow. making a horseshoe bend around West Hickman to connect with the old tracks in West Hickman. KILLED BY FALLING TREE. HICKMAN.

April While returning from here to his home eight miles south of town. Monday evening. Chester Williams was caught in a bard wind and rain and a large tree, falling across the road. fell storm, on both. him His and his horse, crushing and killing body was not found until vesterday.

Mr. Williams was 23 years old. He had been married only four weeks. PROF. CHEEK RE-ELECTED.

FULTON. April a meeting of the school board, held in the offices of the City National Bank. Prof. James C. Cheek was re-elected as superintendent of the city schools.

Mr. Cheek has held this position for the past six Or seven rears. When he assumed charge school affairs were in a state of chaos. but today Fulton schools are considered to be the best in West Kentucky. FEDERAL BUILDING AT UNION CITY FULTON.

April The site selected for the new custom-house and postoffice at Union City. is owned by Mrs. Laban Burton of Fulton. Mrs. Burof the United States government by which ton bas closed a deal with representatives she is to receive $5.500 for the property.

A large livery barn now on the property be replaced by a $25.000 zovernment build ing. which was secured for Union iCty by the efforts of Congressman Finis J. Garrett. WIFE SUES JOHN W. HELSLEY.

and have six children. KILLED BY FAST FREIGHT. PADUCAH. April WA Helsley. well known in Western Kentucky as organizer for the Woodmen of the World.

and former secretary of the Johu G. Rehkopf Buggy Company. has been sued by his wife. Katherine Helsley, for 82.500 altmony and 850 per month maintenance dur10g the pendency of the action. She alleges abandonment, non-support and ernelty.

She claims he left her Feb. 8. 1900. No divorce is asked and none could be granted unless ther had been separated a rear. 'They hare been married seventeen years FULTON.

April -Wright Knight. a negro preacher of Centerville. WAS run down by 3 fast Illinois Central freight train today at Wickliffe. Kr. Wright.

with bis brother. Henry Knight. attempted to cross the track in front of the train. when the former was struck and instantly killed. The remains were saipped to Warerly, for interment.

I. C. SHOPS AT PADUCAH REDUCE. PADUCAH. April 14-Anotber big reduction was made in the force at the Illinois Central shops todav.

one hundred and ten men being let out. All departments worked were is affected. The force being now the smallest in years. STATE PLEASED WITH OUTCOME GO SLOW ON RATE QUESTION. WANT NO MORE FIGHTING TO MAINTAIN THEIR VICTORY.

Railroads in Alabama Anxious to Hurry up the Matter With Judge Jones Insurance Department Shows Healthy Gains. Special to The Commercial Appeal. MONTGOMERY. April will be done in the rate litigation between the state and the railroads until the action of the United States circuit court of appeals, reversing the lower court at Montgomery, and ordering revocation of Injunetion against state laws, be indicated in formal by receipt the mandate of that court. Within fifteen days after the receipt the mandate.

Judge Thomas G. Jones, acting as judge of the Fifth circuit, will reassemble the court here and take such action as at that time is in line with the law. Seeking to save time and get to work taking testimony while the case is pending, the railroads sought to Judge Jones suspend such part of the order of injunction issued some time ago as would prevent the filing of pleadings and the answer of the state in the supplemental bills, it being desired that evidence be taken so that there would be much done by the time the case is taken on the appeal. The state, however, combatted this moment, prefering to have the whole matter adjusted for further service after the mandate comes down. Argument for the state was made by Attorney-General A.

M. Garber and Associate Counsel S. D. Weakley and H. C.

Selheimer, Judge Weakley making the principal speech. George W. Jones. J. Manley Foster of the Louisville and Nashville and B.

P. Crum for the Central of Georgia, with Hugh Nelson for the trust company holding the bonds of the Central, appeared for the rail lines. It is held that the best course for all is to wait until the appeal case is made final, which will be after consideration of the motion for a rehearing filed in New Orleans Monday. Statehouse officers are very much pleased with the outcome of this, the first follow move after the loss of the cases the rail lines. They seem to feel that they are going to be able to head off any movement that will delay matters and get at the meat of the matter right away.

It is the well known wish of the roads to have the rates tried only six months. On the other band. the state thinks. and will sO insist, that there can be no adequate trial under a vear. For this reason the state desires to hold up until the appeal question is settled, and it is known for a fact that there is no more fighting to maintain the victory won in the court of appeals.

PRESIDENT MONK IS OUT. J. W. Watson has been elected to the presidency of the First District Agricultural School. taking the place of W.

F. Monk, who did not stand for re-election. J. Ownes returns to the presidency of the Third District School at Abberille and T. C.

Moore of the Fourth District School at Sylacauga. Prof. Watson has been teaching at Newburne for some time. It was agreed that, as. in other cases.

the school at Sylacauga separated from the town school. Teachers selected by the local trustees and presidents. INSURANCE CLAIMS. The operations of the Alabama insurance department for the first three months of the new year shows receipts of $185,537.72, an increase over the same time last year of $3.048.26. Of this amount company licenses turned in, $17.248: agents' licenses.

$15,547: premiums. $152.742.74. This is a very gratifying showing for the state department, in the face of the fact that last year was live vear and the receints were very much heavier than the year before. LUMBER MEN MEET. The Alabama and West Florida lumbermen.

who met here Tuesday, agreed a campaign for restoration of the full tariff rates of the old bill on lumber, and to agitate the question of keeping the duty up. A report was made on the men of the Alabama and Florida delegation in congress who voted to put the tariff down, and Congressman S. H. Dent of the Second distrie explained why be voted to reduce the tariff. A.

N. Breaker. vice-president of the Stearns-Culver Lumber Company, Bagdad. presided. Secretary J.

H. Eddy of the Kaul Lumber Company. Birmingham, was present. While it was found that the lumber outlook is very poor just now, brighter times are surely ahead. FIGHT ON Sereral arrests have been made by the city police of men charged with selling liquors.

Officers have gone out and given negroes money to buy with and when they buy are taken in and held 26 witnesses. Two white men, one of them runner of a Evils Resulting From Constipation How This Trouble May Be Readily Corrected are drowsy, heavy. despondent. lacking energy. it is hard to think.

you hare an oppressed feeling in your stomach and bowels. your body aches, in fact, life seems bardly worth living. Then ask yourself: Four bowels more regularly If your answer will be that is the cause of your troubles. Not properly corrected, this condition will lead to more serious disorders of the blood and body. due to the poisons of waste matter which should be carried off.

It seems 50 foolish to suffer when Nature has prorided her own wholesome and infallible remedy in the pure Natural Laxative HUNYADI JANOS Water. from the famous Springs in Hungary. a tumbler. ful of this wonderful water on arising will give you within an hour a delightfully pleasant and copious morement. This win clear your bead, sharpen your appetite and make a new being of you.

Try it and see. At all Druggists. Look out for unscrupulous druggists. who will substitute unless you ask for HUNYADI JANOS. "TREMONT-while while possessing the merit of being conservative, it is nevertheless an out-of the ordinary style ARROW COLLARS TREMONT each 2 for 25 Arrow Cuffs 25 a pair Cluett.

Peabody Co. Makers, fruit stand and the other of a small store, are under arrest. POSTOFFICE ROBBERY FAILS. GORDO. April entered the postoffice last night and made all ulsuccessful attempt to crack the postoftice safe.

They took from the showease sone $50 worth of jewelry and carried off a pistol belonging to the postmaster. TUSCALOOSA. April The coulty commissioners, who were session here during the past week. adjourned without coming to any definite conclusion with regard to the building of a new. jail, The meeting was called principally to discuss this matter, and Dr.

C. F. Bush, the state jail and factory inspector, was present to offer any suggestions. However, the question of a location proved a stumbling block. and the question of a new jail for this county was tabled for the time being.

A committee of the commissioners, however, will visit other cities in the state where Dew jails have been erected. to get some idea as to what they will build here. EX- MAYOR SMITH CANED. NO ACTION ON NEW JAIL. HUNTSVILLE.

April Ex. Mayor Earl Smith was the recipient of a handsome gold-headed walking cane yesterday, presented as a token of esteem by the chief and members of the fire department. The presentation ceremony took place in the fire department headquarters, Chief Guscio making the address. After the response by ex- Mayor Smith, impromptu speeches were made by ex-Mayor Moore, ex-Alderman Shields. Dr.

J. D. Humphrey and others. NEW SCHEDULE PUBLISHED. p.m.

PRIZES FOR TRASH PILES. SHEFFIELD. April 14. A new schedule becomes effective on the Northern Alabama railway next Sunday, which will prove of great convenience to the traveling public between this city, and Birmingham. Under the present schedule the passenger train leaves Sheffield at 1:15 p.m., and turning from Parish reaches Sheffield at p.m.

Under the new schedule the train will Sheffield at 6:30 a.m., arriving Parrish at 10:40 a.m.. connecting with Southern, which reaches Birmingham at 1:05 p.m. Returning. the train leaves Parish at 2:45 p.m., and arrives at Sheffield 6:50 p.m.. with connection at Parish with the Southern train leaving Birmingham 12:30 TUSCUMBIA, April 14.

1 The Clean City Club of Tuscumbia has offered a first prize of $10 and a second of $5 to the boys accumulating the largest trash piles in this city. and there are dozens of boys bard at work for the prizes. Much friendly comnnetition is being manifested, and much thusiasm displayed. TUSCUMBIA TEACHERS HONORED. TUSCUMBIA.

April 14. Superintendent F. T. Appleby of the public schoots of this city and Miss Rayner Tilman. one the teachers, were honored at the State ucational Association.

held in Birmingham last week. the former having been chosen rice-president of the department of city perintendents, and the latter having been elected secretary-treasurer of the Story Tellers' League. COAL AND ORE LANDS. BIRMINGHAM. April 14-T.

F. Wood of Birmingham has just closed an option with some Michigan parties for coal and ore lands in St. Clair. Blount. Marion Etowah counties, for $355.000.

The Michigan people will he here within a short time to make an inspection of the property and investigate title. When this is found to be satisfactory the transfer will be made. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ELECTS. BIRMINGHAM. April 14.

-The nominating committee of the Chamber of Commerce met today and nominated Frank Nelson. for president. to succeed John L. Kaul. Sir.

Kanl declined to serve longer. but allowed the use of his name for first vice-president. Following are the board of trustees: Rufus N. Rhodes. F.

M. Jackson, R. M. Goodall. A.

Ford. T. G. Bush. F.

Y. Anderson. The directors were nained as follows: Robert Jamison. W. G.

Harding, James, Bowron, M. V. Joseph, W. N. Malone, J.

J. Smith. Herman Beck. J. W.

McQueen, Gordon Crawford, T. 0. Smith and G. B. McCormack.

The formal election will be held the seeond Friday in Mar. The new Chamber of Commerce building will completed Sept. 1. SKELETON IDENTIFIED. BIRMINGHAM.

April 14. -The body of young maD found about a week azo near "Lover's on Shades Mountain, bas been identifed as that of Joseph V. Sproui, a young boilermaker. who disappeared more than two years ago. The body tras identified by two brothers, who state that in 1906.

Joseph sold some lots for 82.500. and immediately disappeared. The theory is advanced that the body has lain on the mountain since about that time. It was a mere skeleton when found, lodged in a crevice. Say "Fan the boy will hear you.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.