The Learning Factory Current Projects (2024)

Fall 2024 Projects

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Legend: 1 = Primary Discipline | 2 = Secondary Discipline | 3 = Optional Discipline(s)

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Allegheny Store Fixtures Repurposing Scrap Lumber to Minimize Waste Neal, Gary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

One of the primary waste streams from the operation is scrap lumber, for which the ownership has sought reuse or resale alternatives to minimize disposal at the landfill. The company currently sources custom pallets for packing and shipping of their products from a 3rd party vendor. The company is evaluating whether to invest in a new piece of equipment, a gang rip saw, that would enable them to efficiently repurpose the scrap lumber into custom pallets in-house.

This project seeks to evaluate and determine the most cost-effective and efficient means of repurposing scrap lumber into custom pallets that will replace the ones that are currently being manufactured using virgin materials by a 3rd party. The project should also consider whether the custom pallets from repurposed scrap lumber could be an additional source of revenue if marketed to other local manufacturers and distributors. The project will evaluate the environmental and economic benefits of minimizing waste by manufacturing the custom pallets in-house using scrap materials. The economic analysis should also evaluate the return on investment for a new gang rip saw.

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Analex Corporation, DBA Arcfield Alternative Intra-Spacecraft Over-the-Air Close Comms Cubanski, Dave 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Problem Statement:
Space is a premium in cube sats. At present, cables not only take up a lot of space, but add to the weight of the satellite chassis. In this project, students will investigate OTA (over-the-air) communication solutions in place of cables/harnesses in small satellite designs. Students will be expected to suggest alternative sensors, research options, create a test plan, and test solutions, if time allows.

Expected Tasks:
•Deliver a Project Plan and schedule
•A report summarizing suitable over-the-air comms solutions which discusses selection criteria with rationale, performance metrics considered and their priority, impact on selection criteria, and down selection methodology used.
•A test plan report discussing the test setup, materials tested, tests to be performed, test conditions, possible observations, anomalies, methodologies, measurement types & location, and test results.
NOTE: A single report is acceptable with each of the above as sections within the report. Each section is expected to be completed upon completion of each task and can be used as a reference for subsequent tasks.
•Rename the project with something creative and relevant

Project Deliverables include:
•Semester Roadmap (gantt chart)
•Research Plan
•Test Plan
•White paper on research conducted and suggested next steps
•PowerPoint Presentation
•Stretch Goal: Test 1 proposed solution

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Bridges Health Partners, LLC Operations Research: Moneyball for Healthcare Analytics to Optimize Performance Zajac, Brian 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Bridges Health Partners is an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and Clinically Integrated Network (CIN) engaged in risk-based contracting. Using operations research techniques, we are interested in developing an optimization model to assist in properly allocating clinical and non-clinical resources to achieve top-decile patient outcomes, while maximizing revenue and minimizing expense. The project outputs will be utilized to assess staffing model scenarios across many different patient populations and health plan contracts, and will inform our strategy to perform in future value-based programs. Team members will utilize historical and current staffing models, contract components, industry best practices, and outcomes data to create the model.
Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Continental Dairy Facilities LLC Logistical Efficiency and automation Zajac, Brian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

CDF has constraints mainly in our dry warehouse as a large portion has been eliminated due to expansion of another business unit sharing the facility. This has created a need to use outside storage at an additional cost to CDF. The study should consider the cost of construction of additional warehouse space on site and the possibility of using AGV’s to reduce labor in the warehouse. Comparison should be done as to cost per lb. on use of outside versus capital cost and associated ongoing fixed costs associated with onsite warehouse. Consideration may also be given to a third party owned and operated warehouse on site similar to Hudsonville Ice Creams new warehouse constructed and operated by Tippman. Consideration should also be given to use AGV’s in the cold storage warehouse as well to reduce labor cost. The cold storage warehouse does not have size constraints at this time and is somewhat automated, but we still use traditional forklifts. comparison needs to be conducted to see if there is any payback on converting to AGV's.
Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Custom Created LLC T.H.E. Tool Neal, Gary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

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Customer segment(s): Private land owners, land managers, local, state, and federal land management organizations

Target species: Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii), European barberry(Berberis vulgaris), multi-flora rose (Rosa multiflora) bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.), autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata), privet (Lingustrum spp.), burning bush (Euonymus alatus)

Target size: 12”-36” height, ¼”-1” diameter, 1-5 years old

Estimated price: 80$ for base, 30$ for weed puller attachment

Background of design: Invasive species globally have been estimated to cost $1.288 trillion over the past 50 years (Zenni, R.D. et al. 2021). These come in various forms such as mammals, insects, plants, and reptiles. Plants are a type of invasive species that can be directly addressed (depending on if they are aquatic or terrestrial) without the need of searching as they are sedentary. Having the ability to remove these unwanted species manually, we can follow IPM suggestions of mechanical removal without the need for chemical interventions. The current market for invasive plant pullers are typically bulky and not the best solution for aging landowners, who on average are 57 in the state of Pennsylvania (PSU Resources for Woodland Owners). The need for a tool that is easy to use and able to help provide other uses such as planting of native species is ideal to increase the ability of land owners/managers to properly work their land without having to pay others or resort to expensive and environmental unfriendly interventions. This tool will incorporate experience with mechanical invasive species removal and a continually “need” for a device that can make the work of removal less physically taxing so one can work longer and remove more invasive plants in less time.

Deliverables: Base of tool Prototype- This will provide a lightweight, collapsible foundation to use with multiple attachments.

Invasive puller attachment prototype- This attachment will slide into the bottom of T.H.E. Tool base and provide a unique opportunity to remove multi-stem invasive forest plants.

(The base and attachment can be first created as a single piece to showcase function, though the goal would be to have this as separate so the tool base can be used with other attachments designed in the future*)

Project constraints: Could need two semesters to create final end product (depending if working with outside manufacturer). Price point could be too high for certain individuals (potential to offset price with other initiatives that target invasive species/ecosystem restoration) Personal limited knowledge on potential force to be exerted on drawn prototype (unsure of any material capability to create a solid tool to handle workload)

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Discovery Space Digital Aquarium Exhibit for Kids Science Center Shaffer, Steve 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The semester's project focuses entirely on hardening and refining a current prototype. The team would focus on testing the current prototype, exposing HW/SW reliability issues, and gathering user feedback. Based on the results, they would revise the HW/SW to improve user experience and reliability.

Last year, we proposed an interactive digital aquarium exhibit that allows children to color in a pre outlined marine creature and then scan the creature into the computer and see it pop up, swimming in the digital aquarium ecosystem on the screen or being projected. The new exhibit would pair with our current Marine Life Center to bring a creative learning element to the experience. At Discovery Space, we see 50,000 people each year who visit, explore our exhibit floor together, and learn STEM. This exhibit will be part of our regular offerings and available to all visitors. The exhibit deliverables will, in the end, include:
1. A single button/switch (not noticeable to the public) to turn the entire exhibit on such that the program automatically runs upon starting up (no need to click anything else to make it work.)
2. A large screen or projector to show the designed digital aquarium.
3. A small station where kids can choose a marine creature and colored pencils.
4. A simple mechanism for kids to reliably scan the marine creature they colored into the program so that it pops up in the digital aquarium, swimming around.
5. Picture-based directions so that the exhibit works for kids too young to read.
6. A back up file of the computer program running the exhibit.
7. A list of all technology and parts in case we need to replace items.
8. A troubleshooting guide

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Domino's Routing and Dispatch Control Tower Zajac, Brian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The project team will explore daily route planning, dispatching and execution practices among cross functional businesses, and make recommendations based on internal and external benchmarks. These recommendations will include technology, standards, processes, and KPIs that should explored or put in place for successful measurement and improvement of routing and dispatching. The project will also identify potential ROIs for recommended changes to current practices.
Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Duraloy Technologies, Inc. Development of Small Diameter Centrifugal Casting of Alumina Forming Austenitic Alloys Kimel, Allen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

This project aims to develop the capability to manufacture centrifugally cast high-temperature tubing specifically designed for ethylene pyrolysis service at 2000°F and diameters less than 3.0 inches.

Challenges Addressed:

Limited Availability of Small Diameter Tubing: Currently, there's a lack of readily available centrifugally cast tubing in diameters smaller than 3.0 inches, hindering applications in ethylene pyrolysis furnaces.

Casting Challenges with New Alloys: While new, advanced alumina-forming austenitic alloys offer superior performance for these furnaces, their limited fluidity makes

This project seeks to overcome these limitations by designing and developing:

Centrifugal Casting Equipment: Specialized equipment will be designed to effectively cast high-quality tubing in the desired small diameters.

Modified Alloy Compositions: The existing state-of-the-art alumina-forming austenitic alloys will be studied and modified to improve their castability without compromising their high-temperature performance.

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Exacta Global Smart Solutions Cellular based IoT using oneM2M Choi, Kyusun 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

An IOT device that operates far from power and communications infrastructure requires power efficient implementations, reduced complexity and sustainability. This can be achieved by using components that are already known and verified to work so that a developer can quickly bring a new product to market. Cellular devices are an example where the radio module components are formally certified to operate according to specific cellular radio standards. oneM2M is a global standard that serves to make developing IoT applications that can be formally certified as well. An aspect of cellular IoT devices is the likelihood that they will need SW/FW to be updated to support new features and security issues. This project will build oneM2M compliant devices (software) using the Nordic Semiconductor nRF 916x. The project team will implement the oneM2M primitives for Device Management using Smart Device Template models in TS-0023. The team will learn oneM2M application development and embedded device programing using the nRF 916x and Zephyr RTOS. The main deliverables will be: - Implementation of a selection of the DM modules from TS-0023 on the Thingy:91 and a proof of concept web application for managing the cellular IoT devices.
Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
FarVision Studios LLC G.A.M.M.A. Force Interactive Toy Prototypes Mongeau, Jean-Michel 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Short version: In this project you will design and fabricate two “action figures” that can be 3d printed based on the designs of the two existing prototypes. They should feature at least one interchangeable part on each figure (i.e., the arm of an action figure can be removed, and a different arm installed on that figure, such as an arm that has an extendable weapon.) Each should have a “special power” that is voice activated electronically (e.g., make a sound, shine a light, speak a phrase in response to a question voiced by a toy player, etc.). You will make A LOT of prototypes. Since action figures aren't shaped like cylinders and rectangular solids, some experience with solid modeling tools used by disciplines outside of engineering would be helpful. If you have this capability, please note it when you submit your project preferences.

Long version: FarVision’s company mission is to create original stories and art as the basis to produce high quality mobile games with tie-in licensed products including toy action figures, other types of toys, apparel, comics, and books. The company also has a goal to help others improve and achieve success in their lives by providing a percentage of profits to worthy causes. The company is currently pre-revenue and will be launching its first product, the mobile game G.A.M.M.A. Force® for iOS and Android smartphones, later this year.

G.A.M.M.A. Force® is based on an original IP, which is a science fiction action-adventure story. An original story, script, art, and product concepts were created. The company’s goal is to introduce the GF characters and universe, build a community of players and influencers, and pursue ongoing game and brand development. The story’s characters, backstories, and settings can enable game integration with branded merchandise.

Members of the Licensing community have expressed interest in the GF concept and the pursuit of brand development. The costs in founding the company, development of the game, and creation of two earlier action figure toy prototypes were bootstrapped by the founders.

As licensors, the founders envisioned creating a line of interactive action figure toys based on the story and game, offering a unique play experience leveraging electronic functionalities. For example, an action figure could respond to another action figure, or to a sound within the game.

A new project has been initiated to create updated toy action figure prototypes displaying electronic functionalities. These will be used to market G.A.M.M.A. Force® as a new brand to potential licensees and interested investors.

As G.A.M.M.A. Force® is an original IP and project deliverables will need to be released to FarVision, the company will fund the costs for the necessary ND and IP agreements.

The project scope encompasses using 3D printing technology to create the action figures, and embedding microelectronics in each figure, to enable the toy prototypes to do sample vocalizations. As sample use cases, the figures could have the ability to either “speak” with one other, react to sounds in the mobile game, and / or respond to prompts from someone playing with the toys.

An optional part of the project scope is to also 3D print one or more interchangeable parts for each character, which are elements of the story. For example, one of the characters can change his arm at the elbow to that of an arm that is a weapon.

We believe this project is of merit, as it combines the use of 3D and microelectronic technologies along with creative thinking and will provide a positive challenge and learning experience.

As well as creating functioning prototypes, creativity and expertise is needed in determining what is doable electronically within a given period of time, vocals to be recorded or created using AI tools, and determining the scope of what can be produced for this assignment.

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
FirstEnergy Corp Electrical Substation Vegetation Control Robot Choi, Kyusun 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

This is a continuation of a previous Capstone Project

Problem Statement: FirstEnergy has 2600+ electrical substations across 5 states. Electrical substations are covered in gravel with a cooper ground grid system to protect workers. Weeds and other vegetation reduce the effectiveness of this ground grid and are a safety concern. FE spends millions of O&M dollars every year to have weed control contractors spray the substation to kill/control weeds. An autonomous robot solution would reduce that O&M cost and be more effective at controlling weeds.

Project Needs: (needs completed by previous Capstone Project indicated)

1. Robot must be able to navigate gravel and larger stone terrain(completed by previous team and proven in actual substation)
2. Robot must operate fully autonomous with no human interaction (main focus of this Capstone project)
3. Robot must be able to recognize and avoid obstacles such as equipment foundations, open pits, people (main focus of this Capstone project)
4. Robot must be able to hold a liquid spray and spray for weeds(completed by previous team)
5. Robot must be able to recognize weeds in order to spray them
6. Robot must be able to operate on a schedule (know current time/date)
7. Robot must be able to dock with docking station for charging purpose (secondary focus of this project)
8. Robot must be able to be called home to docking station when requested by a manual PB on docking station (secondary focus of this project)
9. Robot must be able to be refilled at docking station as appropriate automatically without human interaction
10. Docking station must be able to pump additional spray into the robot automatically
11. Docking station must have an annunciator type indicators showing battery levels, spray levels and alarms

Items 2 & 3 are the primary focus of this Capstone Project with items 7 & 8 secondary

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Flowserve US Inc Hydraulic Submergence D Rattner, Alex 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Project Overview:
This project aims to comprehensively analyze the formation and behavior of vortices in the hydraulic system in an upside-down orientation. You will develop a comprehensive test rig design to accommodate non-traditional pump mounting and operation. In their most basic forms, pumps are used to convert kinetic energy to static pressure. They are used to move a liquid from one place to another. To accomplish this, the pump casing is mounted to a piping system containing a source and a sink. In a submersible application, a pump itself is submerged in a pool of liquid (source), and it will displace liquid from to the sink. In this project, you will investigate, characterize and visualize the fluid behavior when the hydraulic is mounted to the underside of the source (upside down).

- Understand the state-of-the-art centrifugal pump hydraulic testing techniques, including, but not limited to, materials, cost, availability, effectiveness & application limitations.
- Define & understand critical design parameters surrounding the hydraulic testing, such as materials, tolerancing, thermal expansion/contraction, wear etc.
- Prepare a comprehensive test plan to determine the optimum design for testing and gathering meaningful results.
- Create a CAD model of a hydraulics and test rig.
- Conduct FEA/CFD to understand design characteristics.
- Conduct DFMEA to determine any design setbacks and limitations.
- Present final deliverables to Flowserve.

- Research report on current applications of hydraulic vortices testing.
- Summary report outlining options & proposal of the final design.
- Final design of test rig including assembly drawings, supporting calculations & design review documentation.
- Summary report defining application requirements.
- Summary report of final design recommendations.
- Final report and presentation.

Throughout this project students will need to exercise their engineering judgment and intuition as they investigate this technology. The students will present their study, redesign, results, and conclusions to Flowserve.

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Hatch Associates Consultants, Inc. Optimization of High Angle Conveyor Design Mongeau, Jean-Michel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Objective: The objective of this project is to optimize the design of a high angle conveying system. The optimization of the design will include looking at the impacts of changing variables such as different conveyor types, conveyor materials of construction and conveying angles for different consistencies of the materials that need to be conveyed. The project will first include a literature search, then performing calculations to inform potential success configurations, and then confirming the calculations through scale model tests.

Background: For typical bulk material handling systems that involve conveyors, a rule of thumb is that the angle of conveyance for the system is kept under 15 degrees. However, for certain configuration and plant layouts, it may not be possible to achieve this requirement.

The purpose of this project will be to research and optimize the design of the system and determine the limits that are advisable for each option available. Once an exhaustive list of design options are produced from the information search, the designs should developed using hand calculations (optional to confirm results using CFD), and finally developing a scale model test with allows for modification of test angle and changeout of belt material. The designs should then be summarized as to the extent of belt angles / belt types/materials that will work for each conveyed material consistency.

Overall, the project will be focused on mechanical design with the need to have some understanding of material properties and uses.

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Himalayan ShePower 1 Innovative automation and quality enhancement in sustainable banana yarn and paper production - Team 1 Kimel, Allen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Himalayan ShePower is an innovative social enterprise focused on producing sustainable banana yarn using banana pseudostems. Our mission is to offer eco-friendly alternatives to traditional textile materials while empowering local communities and minimizing environmental impact. By transforming banana pseudostems, typically discarded as waste, we offer an alternative to traditional textile production that reduces deforestation and supports sustainable development by utilizing yarn byproducts to produce banana fiber and paper.


1. Investigate and implement advanced spinning technologies to enhance the strength and quality of banana yarn to improve yarn production efficiency.

2. Develop energy-efficient motors and systems that reduce power consumption, and explore alternative energy sources such as solar power or lower voltage requirements.

3. Develop automated or semi-automated systems for slicing, washing, and combing banana fibers to reduce manual labor and increase productivity

4. Experimental research with treatments or additives and study the mechanical and structural properties of banana yarn and paper to improve its texture, strength, and durability.

5. Create a standardization framework and develop protocols for certifying the quality and authenticity of banana yarn.

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Himalayan ShePower 2 Innovative automation and quality enhancement in sustainable banana yarn and paper production - Team 2 Mongeau, Jean-Michel 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Himalayan ShePower is an innovative social enterprise focused on producing sustainable banana yarn using banana pseudostems. Our mission is to offer eco-friendly alternatives to traditional textile materials while empowering local communities and minimizing environmental impact. By transforming banana pseudostems, typically discarded as waste, we offer an alternative to traditional textile production that reduces deforestation and supports sustainable development by utilizing yarn byproducts to produce banana fiber and paper.

1. Investigate and implement advanced spinning technologies to enhance the strength and quality of banana yarn to improve yarn production efficiency.
2. Develop energy-efficient motors and systems that reduce power consumption, and explore alternative energy sources such as solar power or lower voltage requirements.
3. Develop automated or semi-automated systems for slicing, washing, and combing banana fibers to reduce manual labor and increase productivity
4. Experiment with treatments or additives and study the mechanical and structural properties of banana yarn and paper to improve its texture, strength, and durability.
5. Create a standardization framework and develop protocols for certifying the quality and authenticity of banana yarn.

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
ISSIP (International Society of Service Innovation Professionals) Automation and Augmentation of ISSIP Roles: Using Generative AI To Explore Data and Quantitative Modeling of a Whole Organization Zajac, Brian 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

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With nearly 2000 participants, the organization has diverse service roles that form a complex, distributed service system of interaction and change processes. ISSIP needs help to be better quantitatively represent, understand, explore and exploit generative AI automation and augmentation of ISSIP service roles and responsibilities.

OpenAI has identified 5 levels of AI, from today's chatbots (level 1) to AI to help run an organization (level 5). ISSIP provides a petri dish scale organization for industrial and systems engineering undergraduate students to explore, as develop their skills for future jobs improving the effectiveness, efficiency, regulatory compliance, and sustainability of future organizations.

Both ISSIP individual participants and donor organizations would like to understand better service innovation opportunities and challenges in the AI era. This would be the first comprehensive ndustrial and systems engineering analysis of ISSIP roles and would be key to unleashing more of the organization full potential. Professional association platforms, like, support give-get-grow community engagement at all stages of career development (from student to diverse career roles to
retired) with recognition and awards for growing and sharing knowledge at events (see Recordings), in publications (see Books), in practice via innovative offerings (see Annual Excellence Award).

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Kitron Technologies, Inc. Layout of Conformal Coating Department Zajac, Brian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

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Conformal coating is a key process in the manufacture of printed circuit boards. We need to expand our current footprint of this department to meet the needs of our growth plans. We expect additional equipment and space will be needed to meet future demand.
Our expectation is to have a cost-effective layout and efficient workflow to have optimum throughput and low cost to be as competitive as possible.
Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
LAIKA, LLC Computationally Designing 3D-Printed Spatially Varying Internal Structures for Stop-Motion Filmmaking Mongeau, Jean-Michel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

LAIKA is a world-class film production facility based in Oregon that specializes in stop-motion filmmaking using cutting-edge technology and artistry. LAIKA recently completed a collaboration with Professor Nicholas Meisel, during which we explored some fascinating materials and fabrication techniques that we believe could offer benefits for the character puppet fabrication processes we use as part of our stop-motion asset fabrication workflow. We are interested in pursuing these potential paths further, to see if we can find ways to improve the efficiency, durability, performance, or other aspects of our puppets.

Specifically, we are interested in developing toolsets and workflows for designing spatially varying internal structures that are computationally designed and 3D printed for molding and casting in silicone, or to be used directly in the fabrication of a stop-motion character puppet.

We are looking to research and test design methods, as well as materials and fabrication techniques, that might provide structural and functional capabilities for puppet performance that is otherwise unachievable or too complex for existing fabrication methods and techniques.

Deliverables will include iterations on stop-motion puppet bodies/torsos and puppet components, through which the Project Team will test:

- Methods for generating computationally designed lattices and mesostructures throughout the volume of a geometry.
- Methods for generating spatially varying material compositions targeting performance design goals, including deforming musculature or other shape retention required by character design elements.
- Methods for 3D printing these structures on various platforms to optimize for the performance goals. This could involve new techniques for printing liquid and other untested materials.
- Methods for incorporating printed elements, or molding and casting printed elements, into puppet fabrication processes.
- Use of FEM or other techniques for predictive purposes.

The Project Team will be expected to deliver workflow/approach documentation, computer codes/scripts, and/or files to the Sponsor, related to the above iteration and testing.

All Project Team participants will be required to complete confidentiality agreements. And all intellectual property developed during the course of the Project shall remain the property of the Sponsor.

Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
Lockheed Martin UAV Mass Properties Testing Apparatus Mittan, Paul 0 0 3 3 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Mass properties, specifically moments and products of inertia, are important both in the design of aircraft and control systems for aircraft. These properties are constants that appear in the moment equations of motion for aircraft. As aircraft development matures from the design phase to the testing phase, correlation between analytical and experimental values is necessary to ensure control systems are calibrated. A bifilar pendulum test has been widely used to experimentally determine the moments of inertia for small aircraft. By inputting a displacement to the test object, and measuring the period based on the number of oscillations, moment and product of inertia can be calculated. The goal of this project is to design and test an apparatus that can measure the Mass Properties of a UAV with a 3ft wingspan. Students will construct a bifilar pendulum test stand and incorporate sensors to measure variables required to perform the moment/product of inertia calculations. Sensors provided in the testing apparatus should enable automated testing and calculation of mass properties, i.e. no operator effort required other than displacing the UAV. The modular apparatus will also be used to locate the UAV center of gravity through sensor measurements captured on the test apparatus when the UAV is at rest. This multidisciplinary project balances mechanical engineering with electrical and computer engineering.
Company Name Project Title Faculty Contact BME CHE CMPEN CMPSC DS ED EE EGEE ESC IE MATSE ME NUCE
MSA Worldwide, LLC Universal Hard Hat Heat Stress Test Fixture and Method Mongeau, Jean-Michel 2 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

What is the best test method to capture the impact a head worn product has on heat stress?

As the impacts of climate change are felt more and more, construction workers are facing higher temperatures than ever. OSHA and other federal agencies are starting to require companies to provide products or policies to reduce the risks associated with heat stress for their workers. There are many products on the market to choose from with little data backing up the value of one product over another.

Current developed test methods focus on very specific mechanisms of heating or cooling and lack the real-world combination of factors. The goal for this project is that the team can develop a test fixture and methodology to properly evaluate different hard hat designs and their impact on the human body in high temperature applications.

Review and compile existing academic literature about heat stress causation on the human head.
Determine the characteristics that must be mimicked in a test environment to evaluate a hard hat's benefits to reducing heat stress
Design a test method to holistically represent these mechanisms in a lab.
Benchmark 3 commercially available product offerings to validate the test method and catalog the results.

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North Country Gear Works LLC A better backpack frame for eastern and midwestern recreators. Knecht, Sean 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Western hunters have long used external frame backpacks hereafter referred to as frames to carry awkward and heavy loads into and out of the field. Western manufactures have set the standard on functional design prioritizing weight, strength, and functionality in their region of the country. High end modern frames are typically made of HDPE plastic, carbon fiber, and aluminum- materials with high strength to weight ratios. They are fixed at either 24 or 26 inches in height and 11 inches wide at the widest point. These dimensions allow the frame to extend above the user’s torso to improve lifting angles and move weight to the hips as opposed to the shoulders. These frames can carry 100 plus pounds without issue.

While these frames are well designed and serve the user well in the west they are not as functional in the east where forest types and hunting methods favor shorter and more minimalistic equipment. However, the need for a load carrying frame in the east is still existent. The purpose of this project is to design a frame capable of the same function as western designs but applicable to the East and Midwest. This would include optimizing features to modify height, reduce weight, and limit noise.


Phase 1

1. Meet with Owner to Discuss projects goals
2. Background research to determine...What’s already available, current designs, design functions
3. Market analysis to determine....What do easter US recreators need, customer analysis, price points
4. Feasibility analysis to determine... Material sources, cost analysis, optimal load bearing, lifting angles, etc.

Phase 2

1. Materials Testing.... Sample plastics, carbon fiber, aluminum, best materials, strength testing, weather testing, noise testing, weight
2. Design... CAD designs, review with owner, adjustable height solutions, explore alternatives
3. Initial Prototype.... sourcing materials, prototyping, manufacturing options, equipment needs

Phase 3

1. Design improvements
2. Functionality testing


1. Design
2. Materials List and Suppliers
3. Cost Analysis
4. Initial Prototype
5. Functionality testing
6. Final Prototype

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Precision Custom Components, LLC. Electronic Data Collection and Reporting for Nondestructive Testing of Welded Components Zajac, Brian 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Precision Custom Components (PCC) is a manufacturer of custom fabricated pressure vessels, reactors, casks, and heavy walled components requiring highly specialized fabrication, welding, grinding, non-destructive examination (NDE), and machining. PCC has a 405,000 square foot manufacturing facility located on 14 acres in York, Pennsylvania.
A core competency within PCC is non-destructive examination of metal fabrications. PCC performs all major types of non-destructive testing such as Visual Inspection (VT), Radiographic Testing (RT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), and Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT.) VT looks for surface defects like porosity, cracks, craters, and slag inclusions. It’s cost-effective and can be done during or after welding. However, it only detects surface issues and can’t identify internal flaws. RT uses X-rays and detects microscopic internal flaws such as cracks, porosity, and incomplete root penetration. It provides a permanent test record for traceability but requires skilled interpretation of X-ray films. MT detects surface discontinuities (e.g., cracks) using magnetic powders. It’s easier than radiography and lower cost, but still limited to surface defects. PT is conducted by using fluorescent or dye penetrants. This method identifies surface cracks that are invisible to the naked eye. It’s useful for leak detection and works on non-magnetic materials too.

PCC is seeking PSU student expertise to evaluate PCC’s current inspection reporting process and to recommend hardware and software solutions that can be used to streamline the process of collecting, reporting, storing and retrieving inspection data related to non-destructive testing of welded fabrications. The scope of this project will focus on one type of non-destructive examination but should be expandable to other inspection types in the future.
A viable solution will improve data collection speed and accuracy and will integrate with our existing ERP system which is Epicor. This project should consider existing Epicor solutions, custom Epicor solutions, existing 3rd-party solutions and, if necessary, a custom solution. The team shall make and support a recommendation from solutions considered and include a justification for investment. Time studies should be conducted to support the justification.

Deliverables for the Project Include:
1)Research into and comparison of hardware alternatives for data collection.
2)Research into and comparison of software alternatives.
3)Time studies on the current process. Quantity of studies should be sufficient to give 90% confidence level.
4)Presentation of preliminary results and recommendations approximately 1 month before final report is due. In-person presentation is preferred. Web conference is acceptable.
5)Comprehensive report meeting the objectives of the project.
6)Provide brief evaluation of process from student’s perspective including, but not limited to, key lessons learned by each team member, evaluation of partnership – was PCC fully engaged in the process, providing adequate feedback, supportive of student learning objectives, and other relevant perspectives on the project.

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Production Systems Automation LLC Development of an Infrared Illumination and Designation Module Cubanski, Dave 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The goal of this project is to bring a high-quality infrared illumination and designation laser module to market that works with night vision devices and meets or exceeds the performance of existing products at a competitive price. To accomplish this goal, multiple systems will need to be developed, which include:
-Optical systems that produce the proper wavelength, acceptable power output, maintain a high-quality laser beam, and can be produced economically.
-Mechanical systems that can provide precise adjustments of thousandths of inches and be robust to not move or be damaged under harsh handling or impacts.
-Electrical systems which can provide precise control of the output power of a laser module and survive harsh environments and strong impacts.
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PSU Center for Immersive Learning and Digital Innovation 1 Enhancing Patient Safety through Mixed-Reality Guided Central Line Insertions Hylbert, Lyndsey 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Project Description:

Healthcare-associated infections pose a significant threat to patient safety, with alarming statistics indicating that one in thirty-one patients develop infections daily, leading to severe outcomes such as sepsis and high mortality rates. Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) are a critical concern in hospitals, exacerbated by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The urgent need for innovative solutions to prevent CLABSI and improve patient outcomes cannot be overstated.

Central lines, while essential for patient care, also present risks. Our project focuses on leveraging mixed-reality technology to enhance the safety and efficacy of central line insertions. By integrating augmented reality, we aim to create a guided platform that assists novice clinicians in performing central line insertions with precision and reduced risk of infection.

Why Choose This Project?

1. Real-World Impact: Address a critical healthcare challenge with direct implications for patient safety and quality of care.
2. Innovative Technology: Gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge mixed-reality technology in healthcare applications.
3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaborate with experts across healthcare, technology, and education to develop a holistic solution.
4. Professional Development: Enhance skills in project management, research methodology, and healthcare innovation, preparing for future career opportunities in healthcare technology and patient safety.

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PSU Center for Immersive Learning and Digital Innovation 2 Enhancing Patient Safety through Remote-Controlled Robotics for Intravenous Administration Choi, Kyusun 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Healthcare-associated infections pose a significant threat, affecting one in thirty-one patients daily and leading to severe complications such as sepsis, which tragically claims the lives of over half of those affected. Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) are a critical concern, exacerbated by the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has drastically increased infection rates and strained hospital resources.

Central lines, vital for patient care, paradoxically contribute to infections. Our project aims to innovate by integrating robotics to revolutionize intravenous administration, reducing the need for frequent nurse entry into ICU rooms and minimizing PPE usage. By enabling remote-controlled access to intravenous systems, we aim to mitigate infection risks associated with central lines and enhance patient safety.

Why Choose This Project?

1. Real-World Impact: Address a critical healthcare challenge exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic with innovative robotics technology.
2. Cutting-Edge Technology: Gain hands-on experience with robotics, automation, and healthcare innovation, preparing for future careers at the intersection of engineering and medicine.
3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Work alongside experts in biomedical engineering, computer science, and healthcare to develop a solution with tangible benefits for patient safety and healthcare efficiency.
4. Professional Development: Enhance skills in project management, engineering design, and healthcare technology implementation, valuable for future academic and career pursuits.

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PSU Center for Immersive Learning and Digital Innovation 3 Promoting Safe Tracheostomy Care through Multiplayer Virtual Reality Case Scenarios Shaffer, Steve 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Tracheostomy care presents significant challenges in healthcare, with high rates of adverse events, workforce shortages, and escalating healthcare costs exceeding $11 billion annually in the US alone. The complexity of inpatient and community-based tracheostomy care, coupled with the extensive training required for healthcare professionals, underscores the critical need for innovative solutions to improve patient safety, reduce complications, and ensure equitable access to high-quality care.

Our project focuses on leveraging multiplayer virtual reality (VR) technology to enhance the training and competency of healthcare professionals in tracheostomy care. By immersing participants in realistic case scenarios, we aim to simulate complex patient care environments, including suctioning, stoma care, emergency responses, and patient monitoring. This immersive VR experience will enable healthcare teams to practice critical decision-making and procedural skills in a safe, controlled setting.

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PSU Center for Immersive Learning and Digital Innovation 4 Robotic Dressing Site Monitoring Device for Early Detection of Central Line Infections Hylbert, Lyndsey 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Healthcare-associated infections pose a significant threat, affecting one in thirty-one patients daily and contributing to high mortality rates due to conditions like sepsis. Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) are particularly concerning as they often arise from life-saving central lines, turning a critical intervention into a potential cause of death. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated infection rates, making it imperative to innovate and prevent CLABSI to safeguard patient health and improve healthcare efficiency.

Our project focuses on developing a robotic dressing site monitoring device aimed at early detection of infections associated with central lines. This innovative device will continuously monitor the insertion site for signs and symptoms of infection, promptly notifying nurses when predefined criteria indicative of infection are met. Early identification through automated monitoring can facilitate timely intervention, preventing CLABSI and improving patient outcomes.

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PSU Center for Immersive Learning and Digital Innovation 5 Safer Tracheostomy Care through Mixed Reality Solutions for Tube Change Procedures Pacey, Mark 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The care of patients with tracheostomies presents complex challenges, including high rates of adverse events, workforce shortages, and escalating healthcare costs exceeding $11 billion annually in the US. With over 100,000 tracheostomies performed each year, the demands for specialized care and training continue to rise, particularly in mitigating risks associated with tracheostomy tube changes—a critical procedure prone to complications.

Our project focuses on leveraging mixed reality (MR) technology to enhance the safety and efficacy of tracheostomy tube change procedures. By merging virtual and augmented reality, we aim to simulate realistic scenarios that enable healthcare professionals to practice and refine their skills in a controlled environment. This innovative approach not only addresses training challenges but also aims to reduce adverse events, healthcare disparities, and overall costs associated with tracheostomy care.

Why Choose This Project?

1. Innovative Healthcare Technology: Engage in cutting-edge MR technology to revolutionize tracheostomy care training and procedural safety, preparing for future advancements in healthcare technology.
2. Impactful Learning Experience: Gain hands-on experience in healthcare simulation, scenario design, and interdisciplinary collaboration, essential for careers in healthcare innovation and patient safety.
3. Global Health Impact: Contribute to reducing healthcare disparities and improving access to high-quality tracheostomy care through innovative educational solutions accessible to diverse healthcare settings.
4. Professional Development: Enhance skills in project management, research methodology, and technology implementation, valuable for advancing academic and professional goals in healthcare and biomedical engineering fields.

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PSU College of Medicine 1 Device for measuring shunt effectiveness during hydrocephalus surgery Hylbert, Lyndsey 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Hydrocephalus is a chronic disease that leads to an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. The only treatment is a surgically implanted shunt device, draining fluid from the brain to another body cavity. Shunts have a high rate of complications and failure resulting in suffering, reduced quality of life, and reoperation to repair or replace shunts. Currently surgeons use a rudimentary approach to assess implanted shunts in the operating room. The goal of this project is to develop a device that will be able to accurately quantify shunt effectiveness in a sterile manner. Project includes mentorship from an expert neurosurgeon. We expect that students will build off of last year's project and initial prototype, complete testing of water flow and pressure under varying resistance, improve electronics and controls, and have opportunity to develop new design concepts.
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PSU College of Medicine 2 Photodynamic therapy device for treating glioblastoma Pacey, Mark 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Glioblastoma brain cancer is a devastating disease with currently low survival rates. Phtotodynamic therapy is a promising form of treatment that involves injection of a chemical agent that can make cancer cells sensitive to light of specific wavelengths. The goal of this project is to engineer a repeated light delivery device for photodynamic therapy of brain tumors. The project includes mentorship from an expert surgeon and biomedical engineer. We expect that students will build off of last year's project and initial prototype, complete testing of light transmission and heat generation, and have the opportunity to explore new device ideas and concepts.
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PSU Computer Science Engineering (CMPSC) 1 LARGE-SCALE EMPLOYEE SCHEDULING APPLICATION - Team 1 Shaffer, Steve 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The goal of this project is to develop a Windows based, self contained shift scheduling application for organizations that have 24/7 operations. Examples include nurses, emergency personnel, security guards, etc. Taking nurses as an example, a hospital might have 20 units, each with specific staffing requirements such as number of RNs and number of LPNs, sometimes with specific certifications required (e.g., infusion nurses). The staffing requirements would be dynamic based on the number of patients and the patient care needs. Availability of staff is a confounding factor, including overall number of employees per role, maximum hours to be worked during a period, and requested time off.

The successful team will create a visual editing interface, import/export utilities, and at least two approaches to solve the scheduling problems using sophisticated mathematical algorithms (e.g., linear programming) and/or artificial intelligence methods (e.g., rule-based expert system, forward/backward chaining).

Two independent teams will be created (one in each section).

A successful working project must be completed and submitted by November 30th. For the last two weeks of the semester, projects will be analyzed by the alternate project groups. During the last week of class, both groups will present their products and their analysis of the alternate team's projects to both sections.

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PSU Computer Science Engineering (CMPSC) 2 LARGE-SCALE EMPLOYEE SCHEDULING APPLICATION - Team 2 Shaffer, Steve 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The goal of this project is to develop a Windows based, self contained shift scheduling application for organizations that have 24/7 operations. Examples include nurses, emergency personnel, security guards, etc. Taking nurses as an example, a hospital might have 20 units, each with specific staffing requirements such as number of RNs and number of LPNs, sometimes with specific certifications required (e.g., infusion nurses). The staffing requirements would be dynamic based on the number of patients and the patient care needs. Availability of staff is a confounding factor, including overall number of employees per role, maximum hours to be worked during a period, and requested time off.

The successful team will create a visual editing interface, import/export utilities, and at least two approaches to solve the scheduling problems using sophisticated mathematical algorithms (e.g., linear programming) and/or artificial intelligence methods (e.g., rule-based expert system, forward/backward chaining).

Two independent teams will be created (one in each section).

A successful working project must be completed and submitted by November 30th. For the last two weeks of the semester, projects will be analyzed by the alternate project groups. During the last week of class, both groups will present their products and their analysis of the alternate team's projects to both sections.

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PSU Engineering Leadership Development Program (ELDP) Electronic Agile Workshop Game Zajac, Brian 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Traditionally, Agile principles were created and have been used for software development teams; however, as teams become more multidisciplinary and organizations search for methods to streamline development and collaboration, there is a growing desire to expand Agile principles across many facets of multidisciplinary project management. See more here: The Engineering Leadership Development program provides students with opportunities to learn how to lead multidisciplinary teams through the engineering design and development process. This happens in various curricular and extracurricular activities, including workshops specific to Agile Project Management. Currently, students learn about Agile Project Management by participating in a fun, interactive game utilizing play "pit balls" (the kind you used to jump into when you were a kid!). Attached are the specific instructions for the game. The primary purpose is to illustrate the mechanics of Agile Scrum through Planning, Execution, and Retrospective. Each period is timed with team effectivity and efficiency measured based on the successful processing of balls. In order to keep track of time, a separate, manual timer is displayed on a projector, and metrics are tracked on a chalk / whiteboard. The metrics include: Plan, Actual, Defects, Total, and Delta. The three primary goals of this project would be to: 1) Create an electronic "system" for tracking and displaying the team's progress through multiple sprint periods, 2) Create a portable packaging solution that can be easily taken anywhere across campus by a single person, and 3) Create an environment that adds an element of Excitement, Stress, and FUN!
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PSU Learning Factory 1 Learning Factory Vending Machine Choi, Kyusun 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The Learning Factory vending machine provides an opportunity for students to turn their hard-earned LF points in awesome swag, goodies, and supplies. Unfortunately, the machine is cumbersome to use and breaks constantly. Several providers have created "Pi Hats" and other tools to provide increased IoT functionality to traditional vending machine hardware. This team will make use of these tools (including an SDK, usually written in c#) to make the LF vending machine robust and easy to use.
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PSU Learning Factory 2 Create a Better 12-String Acoustic Guitar Moore, Jason 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Acoustic guitars are primarily made from wood, and because of this, are subject to negative impacts resultant from variances in temperature and humidity. Examples of these negative impacts include cracking, warping and expanding wood, neck movement, bridge lifting, and belly bulging, which all negatively impact the guitar’s playability.
Another complication to these problems is the high tension that acoustic guitar strings place on the guitar. Nowhere is this more evident than in the case of 12-string guitars, which experience roughly double the tension of a standard 6-string guitar.
The purpose of this project is to design and produce a playable 12-string guitar, that works toward solving the problems caused by changes in temperature and humidity and high string tension. The team can use new materials in their design but should utilize mostly traditional materials (e.g. wood) and focus on adjustments to the bridge, neck, or internal bracing to accomplish their goals. The guitar should be able to be properly tuned and intonated in E-standard and should utilize traditional guitar strings in a gauge appropriate to E-standard. The guitar should also be able to utilize varying gauges of strings. The guitar should allow for easy tuning adjustment either through traditional tuning machines or similar methods. The guitar should allow for neck adjustment, either through a truss rod(s) or through other means.
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PSU Mechanical Engineering ASME e-Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) ASME e-Human-Powered Vehicle Neal, Gary 3 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The goal of this project is to design and build a vehicle for entry into the ASME human-powered vehicle competition. For the first time in 2022, the competition rules were significantly altered to allow electric pedal-assist vehicles. The capstone team is responsible for either significantly altering the previous year's vehicle platform or designing and building their own vehicle from the ground up. Deliverables include an operable vehicle, a description of the innovation over previous team's designs, and video demonstrations of several safety tests. Safety tests include roll over, turning, and braking distance.
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PSU PIPELINE Program PIPELINE Program Awards through Learning Factory Moore, Jason 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The PIPELINE program is a collaborative research program within the College of Engineering (COE) and Applied Research Lab (ARL) sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. The program’s goal is to expose students to civilian career opportunities with the U.S. Navy.

The highlight of this program is a summer research experience that includes undergraduate and graduate researchers across the COE and ARL, and includes weekly guest speakers, facility tours, and a project showcase. The primary goal of this project is determine the most efficient process for manufacturing unique awards and items of recognition for:
- Guest Speakers
- Facility Hosts
- Best Project Award
- Outstanding Advisor Award
- Best Speaker Award

Stretch Goal: Depending on the Team composition and time, the team may also work with a marketing a promotions specialist from the sponsor team to assist in creation of additional, unique, PIPELINE “swag.”

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PSU RERC on AAC 1 Generative AI for Phrase Expansion Shaffer, Steve 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

This project will contribute to the development of augmented reality (AR) software that will assist individuals with disabilities in communicating in outdoor environments. For example, a child with a disability may be outside in a playground, and see a friend. The individual may require support in quickly communicating an appropriate phrase to the friend ( e.g., "Hey Sam, do you want to play basketball?"). A desirable support would be an AR software tool that could recognize familiar people, identify their current location, and provide appropriate phrases to be spoken aloud by the software when selected by the child. Longterm, the AR software will also include navigation supports - this Fall 2024 team will focus on communication supports.

This team will start from the current Augmented Reality application created by one of our earlier teams. This application was written using Unity tools. The application currently does image/object recognition and will soon include navigation support. This team will interface with a Generative AI option of their choice, using Unity tools, and work on different ways to feed the Generative AI so it is able to create personalized phrases based on basic knowledge of the user, objects recognized in the environment, and navigation destinations/current location.

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PSU RERC on AAC 2 Outdoor Augmented Reality Navigation Shaffer, Steve 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

This project will contribute to the development of augmented reality (AR) software that will assist individuals with disabilities in navigating in outdoor environments. For example, a child with a disability may want to move between 3 different activities at a large outdoor park. The individual may require support in navigating to the different sections of the park. A desirable support would be an AR software tool that could identify their current location, and provide "directional arrows" (presented in AR on a tablet device) to assist them in walking to the target locations. Longterm, the AR software will also include communication supports - the Fall 2024 team will focus on navigation supports.

The Fall 2024 team will start from the current Augmented Reality application created by one of our previous teams. The previous application was written using Unity tools. The team will incorporate use of GPS into the AR experience, for navigation between the current position and different positions saved within the application. At the end, the user will need to be able to:

- Save a point of interest within the application.
- Choose from points of interest to navigate to.
- Navigate to that point of interest using GPS, avoiding obstacles

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Quaker Houghton Investigation of Differences Presented with Roll Tapping and Cut Tapping of Aluminum Alloys Rattner, Alex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Investigation of Differences Presented with Roll Tapping and Cut Tapping of Aluminum Alloys
Two of the most popular processes for creating threads in roll tapping and cut tapping. Roll tapping is done by using the tool to form the material into the desired thread. Cut tapping is where it is cutting and removing metal to make the desired threads. The industry is starting to focus more on form tapping as there are no chips while machining, making it eco-friendly. This project aims to focus on the differences of roll tapping and cut tapping of Aluminum alloys to determine how these two tapping processes perform with different conditions, materials and metalworking fluids. These different materials will be evaluated by examination of the quality of the threads, and tool wear. The conditions will be picked by the team based off industry standards.

1.Identify conditions for use in both cut tapping and roll tapping which are currently used in industry.
2.Conduct testing on the aluminum alloys with different taps and fluids.
3.Compare the performance of the two tapping processes and the effects of metal working fluids and alloys on tapping where performance will be determined by thread quality, and tool wear. (If possible, machining forces as well).

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Restek Corporation High Temperature Tag Printing Rattner, Alex 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

In order to track product through the manufacturing process high temperature tags are attached. The current tag printer has to be fed manually one tag at a time. We would like a more cost-effective means of identifying the product which could include automating the tag feed or investigating alternate means of identification.
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Saab, Inc. Manufacturing, Integration & Test Efficiency Enhancements for the Development & Low-Rate Production of a Continuous Wave Tracking Illuminator (CWTI) Moore, Jason 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 3 3 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Saab, Inc. is developing a new CWTI to support the upgrade of a Tracking Illumination System (TIS) deployed as part of an anti-ship missile defense system used by an international consortium of allied navies. We successfully completed a Critical Design Review (CDR) establishing CWTI baseline design in the summer of 2023 and are now integrating the first four Engineering & Manufacturing Development (EMD) units. Integration activities will continue through the remainder of CY2024 in advance of formal qualification testing expected to begin in early 2025.

Saab is soliciting solutions yielding efficiencies in our continued CWTI manufacturing, integration and test activities. Early in the project lifecycle Saab will host a visit to our production facility in East Syracuse, NY during which students will have the opportunity to meet with our engineering team, evaluate CWTI design, integration and test processes, and observe ongoing integration activities first-hand. Students will subsequently be asked to develop and propose enhancements intended to streamline CWTI manufacturing, integration and/or test activities. Saab envisions a potential solution set that spans special tooling, cabling, test equipment, manufacturing process improvements, or enhancements to the CWTI design itself, but looks forward to entertaining any proposals that result from the students’ collective creativity.

Project deliverables will be dependent upon proposed solutions but may include any or all of the following:
•Reports, feasibility studies, design analyses
•Solid models and engineering drawings
•Prototype hardware / mock-ups
•Manufacturing, integration, and/or test process plans
•Presentations, videos, demonstrations

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Sensus USA Inc, Xylem Brand Automated Valve Assembly Rattner, Alex 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Sensus Inc. is a brand of digital measuring devices, and our Dubois, PA site manufactures, assembles, and tests gas meters that are used in residential, commercial and industrial buildings as well as large pipeline and high pressure gas lines. Our customers are utility companies and distributors in the US and Canada. Our manufacturing facility has an existing automated assembly system that needs to be updated for better efficiency, less downtime, and automation faults for missed assembly of components. Students that are interested in mechanical fixture design, automation and robotics, data system integration and process controls should apply for this project.

An early project plan outline includes:
1- Define current state of automated valve unit assembly.
2- Problem solve failures or gaps to automation functions.
3- Redesign end of arm tooling for o-ring installations and assembled valve installations.
4- Provide detailed drawings.
5- Install new tooling and complete automation run off testing.
6- Calculate return on investment for improvement.

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Sheetz, Inc. Retail Cooler Out-of-Stock Sensors Mittan, Paul 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

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This is a continuation of the sensor project from the Spring 2024 semester, which was a prototype design that helps employees easily identify items that need to be restocked while also improving inventory management. This semester will be focused on taking that group's sensor and application design and improving upon them. You will be expected to cost-engineer the sensors, design the process for how they could be implemented at the store to save on labor, and compile a financial analysis/ROI.
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Shell 1 Shell Ecomarathon - Team 1 Neal, Gary 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Shell Eco-marathon ( is a global student engineering competition focused on automotive energy optimization. The goal is to design and build a crazy fuel-efficient vehicle that meets all the competition rules and then compete against nearly 100 other North and South American schools to see who did the best. Recent competitions have been held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and winners in our category routinely achieve > 500 mpg.

Penn State’s Ecomarathon club ( has performed well for over 20 years, and we’re now leveling up our game. In collaboration with the PSU student club, these capstone teams will integrate recent competition lessons learned into the ground up design of a brand-new vehicle. This project will design, build, and test that vehicle, first at our Penn State Test Track and ultimately at the Shell Ecomarathon competition. Ya, we actually drive our car on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway track! Some cool things you may do to create our winning car include: mechanical design using CAD modeling, finite element analysis, and computational fluid dynamic aero analysis; automotive electrical system design and construction; steel tubing and aluminum sheet metal cutting, bending, and welding; carbon fiber fabrication; small displacement engine powertrain implementation and optimization; and many other things.

If you want a hands-on experience where you will design and build a real car; have a competitive spirit and want to see Penn State win; are into sustainable automotive technologies; or want the chance to compete on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, then this is the project for you!

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Shell 2 Shell Ecomarathon - Team 2 Neal, Gary 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Shell Eco-marathon ( is a global student engineering competition focused on automotive energy optimization. The goal is to design and build a crazy fuel-efficient vehicle that meets all the competition rules and then compete against nearly 100 other North and South American schools to see who did the best. Recent competitions have been held at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and winners in our category routinely achieve > 500 mpg.

Penn State’s Ecomarathon club ( has performed well for over 20 years, and we’re now leveling up our game. In collaboration with the PSU student club, these capstone teams will integrate recent competition lessons learned into the ground up design of a brand-new vehicle. This project will design, build, and test that vehicle, first at our Penn State Test Track and ultimately at the Shell Ecomarathon competition. Ya, we actually drive our car on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway track! Some cool things you may do to create our winning car include: mechanical design using CAD modeling, finite element analysis, and computational fluid dynamic aero analysis; automotive electrical system design and construction; steel tubing and aluminum sheet metal cutting, bending, and welding; carbon fiber fabrication; small displacement engine powertrain implementation and optimization; and many other things.

If you want a hands-on experience where you will design and build a real car; have a competitive spirit and want to see Penn State win; are into sustainable automotive technologies; or want the chance to compete on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, then this is the project for you!

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Siemens Ensuring Reliability is crucial for the US Navy: Rigorous Testing and Evaluation of PLC-Based Control Systems to Mitigate Software Bugs and Operational Risks Cubanski, Dave 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Problem Statement: Programmable logic controller (PLC) based control systems need to be rigorously tested and evaluated prior to deployment in the physical system in order to identify and correct any software bugs. Undiscovered software bugs pose a large risk as they can have a severe impact on the system operations and can require substantial time and money to correct in the field.

Objective: Design a PLC based control system and develop a virtual environment to test and evaluate the control system. Below are the inputs/outputs to the virtual environment:
oSystem specific information document
oTest scenarios
oPLC project file
oTest report
oVirtually validated PLC code ready to deploy

Technical Approach: The project requires a three-pronged approach as described below:
•Control System Development
oA PLC based control system is needed to control the plant. This controller will be tested and evaluated in the virtual environment.
oThe controller needs to be developed in TIA Portal.
oStudents in the control system development group need to understand basic control theory and programming fundamentals.
oStudents will learn Siemens Control Language (structured text) and apply control concepts in an actual control system.
oA virtualized plant is needed to conduct the software-in-the-loop (SIL) testing. This is one part of the virtualized environment.
oPlant models need to be developed in a simulation environment (such as Tecnomatix Plant Simulation) that can interact with the rest of the virtual environment.
oStudents in the modeling group need to understand the physics of the plant being controlled.
oFor specific devices and components, CAD models may need to be created.
•Virtual I/O
oVirtual validation of inputs and outputs to the PLC is also critical to having a properly commissioned PLC.
oUtilize SIMIT to create charts and wiring of the inputs to drive the process
oStudents creating the virtual I/O need to understand basic digital logic design

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SME Solutions, Inc. Modular and Open Architecture Embedded Hypervisor Choi, Kyusun 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Proposed project aims to address the growing industry need for hypervisors in embedded systems, particularly in applications with high safety dependencies. A hypervisor enables multiple operating systems to share a single hardware host securely and in isolation, reducing HW complexity and power consumption. As described, reduced HW complexities and power consumption, is crucial for applications with limited space and power, such as drones.

Project goal is to develop and demonstrate an open architecture embedded hypervisor that supports independent Safety and Mission operating systems (OS). The system will showcase the ability to swap Mission OSs while an independent Safety OS ensures hardware safety regardless of the Mission OS in use.

The embedded hypervisor will manage resources and prioritize multiple OS executions on the host HW. The Mission Processing OS will handle non-critical, processing-intensive algorithms, while the Safety OS will perform high-priority safety tasks and can fail-safe the system if a safety concern is detected.

This project will develop advanced skills in embedded systems, embedded software, and safety-critical applications.

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Steve Byerly Automated Audio Recorder Choi, Kyusun 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

This is a weatherproof, battery powered, automated audio recorder. Functions needed are time clock, amplifier, record to memory, stereo, band pass filters, and sound activation.
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Swappify LLC Help Code Swappify, the Sustainable Clothing Swapping App! Shaffer, Steve 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Here are the deliverables for finalizing our app for launch on the App Store:

1.Finalize the App for Launch: Ensure all features are fully integrated and functioning as intended. Conduct a thorough review of the app using X Code to guarantee compatibility and optimal performance on iOS devices.

2. Enhance Aesthetics: Refine the app’s user interface using Tailwind CSS to create a visually appealing and user-friendly experience. Pay attention to details such as color schemes, typography, and layout consistency.

3. Early Meeting Arrival: Arrive five minutes early to all project meetings to ensure we maximize our productivity and address any last-minute issues or adjustments needed before the app launch.

4. Bug Detection: Perform rigorous testing using TypeScript and React to identify and resolve any bugs or glitches. Collaborate closely with team members to troubleshoot and implement fixes promptly.

5. Feature Creation: Develop and integrate any remaining features as specified in our project roadmap. Utilize Supabase for backend development to ensure robust and scalable functionality.

By focusing on these deliverables, we can successfully prepare our app for a smooth launch on the App Store.

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TE Connectivity LLM-based Machine Manual Analysis for Smart Machine Diagnosis and Maintenance Shaffer, Steve 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The plant operates a diverse array of manufacturing machines for processes such as molding, stamping, and assembly. These machines, originating from different time (some dating back decades) and various countries (e.g., the US and Germany), each have their own user manuals. Our objective is to develop a LLM-based application to store these manuals (in multiple languages, e.g. English, Germany) and assist operators with machine-related inquiries, such as troubleshooting errors. This application would significantly reduce the time the maintenance team spends reading manuals and finding solutions. Ideally, the solution would provide direct answers to their questions or point them to the relevant sections in the user manual.

The sponsor holds an annual competition in which student teams present their AI-related work for an opportunity to win cash prizes ($1500 - $6500!). This team will be eligible to enter that competition, held in May 2025.

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The Aluminum Association, Inc. Aluminum Standards & Data Tolerance Calculator Mittan, Paul 0 0 3 1 0 0 3 0 3 3 3 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: NO

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Project Overview:

The goal of this project is to develop a software application or resource that can help users accurately determine what tolerances apply to the products they make or purchase. As a starting point for this project, we have selected tolerances that apply to extruded wire, rod, bar and profiles fabricated using aluminum alloy-tempers (which are illustrated by a series of tables in AS&D Chapter 11). Tolerances that apply may include dimensions (e.g., thickness), straightness, flatness, angularity, twist, and more. Typically, for a specified thickness, width and/or diameter range, industry established tolerance limits for each of these parameters can be determined from these tables. Adding further complexity are multiple footnotes that define additional criteria that apply to each table and their elements within, making them an integral part of the tolerance calculation process.

The end result of this project resource could either be packaged along with the publication itself or made available separately on our website. One approach would be creating look-up tables as worksheets. A more advanced idea would be to develop a program that can analyze an imported 2D CAD drawing of an extruded cross-section and subsequently recognize and recommend what tolerances apply for each of the geometric features of the cross-section. The project team is encouraged to come up with their own solutions. The best deliverables would be both easily editable to update with revised values to keep up with revisions to the publications and easily expandable to include product forms other than extrusions that are covered therein.

Project Deliverables:

A software resource/program that can be used in conjunction with the tables in AS&D chapter 11 to interpret tolerances that apply to aluminum extrusions with both accuracy and efficiency. The resource/program should be capable of easy editing to accommodate revisions and easy expansion to include other AS&D chapters in the future.

Introduction and Background:

The Aluminum Association represents aluminum production and jobs in the United States, ranging from primary production to value added products to recycling, as well as suppliers to the industry. As the industry’s leading voice in Washington, D.C. area, the Association provides global standards, business intelligence, trade policy and expert knowledge to member companies and policy makers nationwide while being committed to advancing aluminum as the prime sustainable metal of choice around the world. The Association’s Standards department develops and maintains technical standards and publications that aid the producers and customers of primary aluminum and aluminum alloy semi-fabrications (semi-fabrication: processes that transform aluminum into a semi-finished intermediate products).

One of our standards widely in use is Aluminum Standards & Data (AS&D), a standard that contains multiple chapters’ worth of tolerancing data for semi-fabricated aluminum products and is available in a U.S. customary units version and a metric units version. These products are used in numerous applications across a wide range of industries including aerospace, automotive, and structural engineering. Standardization often demands the use of intricate criteria and methods to ensure repeatability and reproducibility of prescribed instructions, and to reduce ambiguity in interpretation. Standardization is a means for providing clear technical information and we are exploring how novel methods could be used to make them more user-friendly to the target audience. We have used illustrative examples and explanatory videos to aid the users of our standards to commendable effect. We are now looking to combine modern software tools and to engage sharp engineering minds to develop efficient, interactive ways to make technical standards intuitive and easy to master.

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The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Feedback Control for Active Structural Dynamic Compensation Mongeau, Jean-Michel 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Active dynamic compensation is a technical concept which enables some incredible feats of engineering, including F1 and Bose active car suspensions, the serenity of Beats noise cancelling headphones, high-performance gyrostabilizer gimbals for cameras, and even acrobatics performed by a Boston Dynamics robot. Although these systems are highly complex, they all share a common outline; a set of sensors provides information about the state of the system to a feedback controller with knowledge of the system's dynamic properties, which outputs a set of commands to actuators for the purpose of disturbance rejection or other methods of compensation.

For this Capstone project, students will design, manufacture, test, and deliver a portable structure with an integrated feedback control system which effectively minimizes vibratory response of a mass on the end of a cantilevered beam due to various forcing inputs. To accomplish this, students will develop and implement a systems control loop which utilizes real-time data processing of accelerometers and knowledge of the test stand's modal properties to inform rotary actuator commands that counteract the beam's transient vibrations.

Students will design the test apparatus to be modular in nature to accommodate the future addition of more complex modal characteristics, including compliant components, a second orthogonal actuator, nonlinear spring and damper elements, and contact joints. Throughout the semester, the multi-disciplinary student team will learn and exercise fundamentals across a wide range of technical topics (modal dynamics modeling and analysis, electromechanical design and integration, control system generation and optimization, and more) to strive toward a progressive list of success metrics with the support of on-campus resources and JHU APL technical expertise. The future system will be used for proof-of-concept studies in active dynamic compensation of structures with complex modal characteristics, as well as for educational purposes with sponsors, new employees, and in STEM outreach activities; therefore, each part of the system must be approachable for audiences with a wide range of technical backgrounds.

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TMP Manufacturing Company, Inc. 1 Improving Panel Handling Zajac, Brian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

We have been a major manufacturer of urethane panels in Clearfield, PA, for over 70 years. Our panels range from 11.5" x 69" x 4" to 46" x 300" x 6" and weigh from 11 pounds to over 300 pounds. We handle up to several 100 panels per day. The current issues we are dealing with are related to the size of the larger panels. As the panels get larger and heavier, they become more challenging. We are seeking better methods for loading and unloading the panels into our fixtures and moving them throughout the plant. We are also looking for better methods for moving sheet metal through the plant.
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TMP Manufacturing Company, Inc. 2 Mold guide rails redesign Moore, Jason 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

We have been a leading urethane panel manufacturer in Clearfield for over 70 years. We are looking for a method to allow our doors to move easily along a track. Currently, these tracks get filled with debris from our foaming process, making it difficult for the doors to move. All options are available for developing the fix.
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Victoria's Victory Foundation 1 Adaptive Earbuds Knecht, Sean 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Headphones are great, but earbuds are better. Unless you are a person with limited grip function, no fine motor skills and lack of hand function. There must be something that can help these individuals place earbuds in their ears to be used for both work and enjoyment.
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Victoria's Victory Foundation 2 Hands Free Luggage Attachment for Wheelchair Knecht, Sean 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Wheelchairs and travel are not always a great combination. Airlines are known to damage wheelchairs EVERY single day of the year. However, that is not the problem we are trying to solve. We would like a hands-free attachment for a power and manual wheelchair that allows for the individual to move their luggage without using their hands. Attach and go.
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Victoria's Victory Foundation 3 Mastering the Un-tangle. Blanket solutions for tetraplegics Knecht, Sean 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: NO

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

For an individual with limited grip function, and who cannot sit up or roll over in their bed, their worst nightmare is often the blankets. What kind of solution can you create to prevent them from being tangled and caught in their blankets until a caregiver finds them in the morning? What quality of life and basic need product can you create to improve the every day life of someone living with a spinal cord injury?
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Volvo Group North America 1 Air Dryer Cartridge Recycling and Remanufacturing for Heavy Duty Truck Applications to Increase Sustainability and Circularity Kimel, Allen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Phase 1 – “Investigation/Research/Ideation and Small-Scale Experimentation”
Purpose: Forming the project foundation through in-depth research and understanding of the desiccant bed composition and air dryer operation. Detailed reporting of the current remanufacturing process currently in use today, per desiccant material type, and associated advantages/disadvantages. Ending the first phase with a research report of these topics along with recommendations and proposals for further sustainability and complete life cycle investigation.
a.Air dryer and desiccant material research
i.Main desiccant types (compare/contrast and competitive analysis)
ii.Chemical breakdown and composition analysis of the cartridge
iii.Environmental impact (pre/post use)
iv.Desiccant cartridge tear down (provided from field testing)
b.Current remanufacturing processes
i.Current process limitations
ii.Desiccant effectiveness after remanning
iii.Energy consumed/recovered
iv.Petroleum and carbon recovery / management
v.Combining new and old desiccant, ideal ratio?
vi.Current cost/benefit ratio
c.Proposed Remanufacturing Processes for Investigation
i.Adapt existing remanufacturing technique for large scale?
ii.Silica Gel specific remanufacturing or recovery for other use (Quick sorb?)
iii.Petroleum and carbon extraction
iv.Other: Aluminum canister / internal plastic parts

Phase 2 – “Concept Selection, Large-Scale Testing and Industrialization”
Purpose: Continuation of phase 1 efforts and outcomes starting with concept evaluation and selection. Design of experiments and remanufactured performance that can be tested within laboratories at Penn State. Full life cycle analysis with recommended remanufacturing/recycling strategy for silica gel desiccant cartridges.
a.Criteria based decision making and concept selection
i.Design options evaluated in Pugh matrix format with weighted criteria
b.Design of Experiments
i.Evaluating top 1 or 2 concepts from the concept selection
ii.Identifying key input variables
iii.Identifying key outputs variables or responses
iv.Cartridge performance
c.Scaling those Experiments and Processes to large scale manufacturing
i.Identifying unique solutions or processes for patentability
ii.Identifying existing or new recycling processes
d.Final Lifecycle Analysis
i.Complete details of the full lifecycle analysis of constituent parts/components/materials
ii.Cost/benefit analysis of the selected remanufacturing/recycling strategy

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Volvo Group North America 2 Automatically Adjusting Roof Fairing (Trim Tab) for a Tractor Trailer System Moore, Jason 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Class 8 tractor trailers focus heavily on aerodynamics and freight efficiency. The aerodynamic optimization of these systems is complicated by the wide range of available trailers and their varying positions relative to the cab. Currently, we offer an adjustable rear roof fairing, known as a trim tab, to manage variations in trailer parameters such as height and the gap to the cab.
The existing trim tab has five discrete positions. The driver must manually measure the trailer parameters, consult an OEM-provided graph to determine the optimal position, and then set the trim tab at the appropriate angle to optimize efficiency.
This project will design a system that automatically detects the relevant trailer parameters, such as trailer height and gap, and automatically and dynamically adjusts the angle of the rear roof fairing based on provided angle to parameter curves.
The current relationships are defined at highway speeds, to further optimize the system additional work could include speed as a system parameter.
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Volvo Group North America 3 Optimizing Cooling Circuit for Expansion Reservoir Volume and Rubber Hose Manufacturability Moore, Jason 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

As the heavy haul trucking industry begins to shift more towards EV (Electrical Vehicle) production, cooling circuit optimization becomes more critical to minimize weight, packaging and manufacturability for efficiency in the design process while maintaining maximized performance.

Two such variables that are key in this process are 1) determining expansion reservoir size based on the inlet pump pressure characteristics and 2) the determining preformed rubber hose geometry, specifically the relation between bend radius, bend angle, arc length and inner diameter for manufacturability.

The Volvo Powertrain Installation BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) team is looking for a more efficient design methodology for both of these variables.

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Walmart Inc. Standing Strong: Engineering Resilient Ozark Trail Canopies to withstand Wind and Rain Knecht, Sean 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: YES

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

Walmart is looking for a next generation canopy design that uses the following as a starting point: Ozark Trail Simple Push Straight Leg Instant Canopy, White, 10 ft x 10 ft,

The goal is to optimized technical solution – Design & Simulation / Materials / Mfg / Validation. Come and help us create an innovative solution for changing the design, manufacturing, and customer experience of tailgating canopies!

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WaveBreaker Technologies LLC WaveBreaker Technologies: Deck-mounted Camera Storage for Kayaks Rattner, Alex 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

WaveBreaker Technologies is developing a modular dry storage box that quickly attaches to the deck of recreational sit-in kayaks. This project will resize the prototype unit and develop an insert for wildlife photographers to store and mount universal camera lenses, ensuring gear is easily accessible and protected from water.

Key Deliverables:
1: Watertight Seal Development: Enhance the prototype to achieve a watertight seal, ensuring the unit is waterproof.
2: Deck Latch System Development: Create a new attachment mechanism that expedites mounting/removing a Wavebreaker from the kayak.
3: Manufacturing Plan: Develop a manufacturing plan for 3D printing the base unit and photography insert.
4: Functional Prototype: Produce a fully functional prototype suitable for testing and small batch production.

Note: To ensure students are equipped with the necessary skills for design and manufacturing tasks, we ask that the following training be completed at the Learning Factory by Week 3 of the project: Basic Saftey, Additive—Basic I and Basic II, and 2nd and 3rd Floor Makerspace. Students are encouraged but not required to complete the Additive - Advanced training.

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WSSC Water Large Valve Inspection Probing Camera Rattner, Alex 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0

Non-Disclosure Agreement: NO

Intellectual Property: YES

Physical Prototype or On-Campus Equipment: YES

Images and Additional Links (if provided)

The WSSC Water is a bi-county, public water/wastewater utility in Maryland that was established in 1918. For over 100 years, WSSC Water has served the communities of Prince George’s and Montgomery counties providing life-sustaining water and water resource recovery services to individuals, families and businesses. WSSC Water maintains and repairs approximately 12,000 miles of buried pipes and several dozen facilities to provide water services to its community.

WSSC Water relies on large diameter pipelines to move water across its service area. The pipes, referred to as “transmission mains” vary in size from 24 inch to 96 inch in diameter. The amount of water flow and the ability to isolate and drain segments of a transmission main is controlled by large valves. WSSC Water needs a method/devise to visually verify that a valve has fully closed when needed for maintenance of the pipeline.

The PSU teams will design, develop and prototype a devise that would use a probing camera that can be inserted into ports of the pipeline to visually determine valve position (see attached photos). This devise will need to be waterproof, battery powered, pressure resistant, durable, portable and self-lighted. All these aspects of the design will need to be worked into a compact housing that will pass through the pipe’s port and into the water stream within the pipe. Sealing the port after insertion will be needed to prevent release of water from the pipe.

The PSU team will have freedom to develop the image display configuration such that a user can easily view the cameras display on a screen. Movability of the cameras view will also be a challenge the team will tackle such that the camera can see multiple angles of the valve.

The project will allow WSSC Water to continue to provide a highly reliable water source to approximately 2 million customers by allowing WSSC Water employees to properly verify valve position and facility regular maintenance on our transmission mains.

The Learning Factory Current Projects (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.