The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

00 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. JUNE 24, 1912. THE LEXINGTON HERALD 2. Ask Your Drugsist for for 8 Treatments ACTS Borax LIKE FOOTS MAGIC SOAP On Corns, Callouses, Ingrowing Nails, Sore, Sweaty, Tired, Tender Feet SOLD BY M'ADAMS MORFORD. WINCHESTER PYTHIANS' GRAVES ARE DECORATED Elder J.

H. MacNeill Orator At Memorial Conducted By Ivanhoe Lodge. DR. SOUTH TO SPEAK State Bacteriologist Will Lecture Tonight at the Clark Courthouse. (Special to The Herald.) WINCHESTER, June afternoon the Knights of Pythias decorated the graves of their dead in the Winchester Cemetery, Ivanhoe Lodge having charge of the ceremonies.

The Winchester of the Uniform Rank of the out and there company, was a good attendance of the Pythians and their friends. Elder J. H. MacNeill delivered an eloquent and instructive memorial Colonel T. addresart.

Past Grand Chancellor, was master of ceremonies and Captain Walter Hampton had charge of the Uniform Rank. Profs. W. H. Garnett and D.

H. Thomson conducted the State and county teachers' examinations, which closed last night. Miss Nancy Lee Owens was the only applicant who took the State examination, while those taking the county examinations were: Misses Rosa D. Jones, Nancy Lowry, Mary White and Lula Peck, Mrs. Fannie Tanner and Messrs.

Kelly M. Nichols, Edward Seale, Taylor S. Flynn and Ernest D. Allen. Dr.

Lilliam South, State bacteriologist. deliver a lecture at the courthouse in this city Monday night. Stereopticon views will be used. Dr. I.

A. Shirley, of this city, who is connected with the State Board of Health, and Is employed by the Rockefeller Hookworm Commission in an effort to rid the State of the hookworm disease, has been endeavoring for some time to secure a lecture from Dr. South. Dr. J.

'N. McCormack, of Bowling Green, will also be present and deliver a short lecture. No admission fee is to be charged and everybody is invited. Personal News Items. Miss Lucille Faris, of Flemingsburg, has returned to her home in Flemingsburg, after 8.

delightful visit to Miss Lucy Browning, at. "Shady Dale." Messrs. Rice Walker and Raymond Randolph, of Lexington, visited in Winchester the week, Mr. and Mrs. Sudduth and past.

children, of Spartansburg, S. are visiting. Mr. Sudduth's father, Mr. J.

E. Sudduth, on Fitch avenue. Misses Gertrude Bush. Mary Byrd Fox, Rebecca Browning, Stella Curry, Myrtle, Ethel and Dora Porter and Mrs. Gordon Stevenson have returned from a trip to Mammoth Cave.

Mrs. Glorenna Daniels, of Wilmore, was in the party. Mr. Guy Brookshire, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Alonzo Brookshire, who is in the United States Navy, is at home on sick leave. UPHOLSTERING Furniture Slip Covers Made to Order. Mattresses and box springs of all kinds renovated -Satisfaction Guaranteed. McNamee Bros. New Phone 1187-Y.

311 W. 4th PLUMBING, HEATING AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, WODD MANTELS AND CHANDELIERS. Builders Supply Company -INCORPORATEDNo. 235 East Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky. Both Phones 442.

Real Estate List your property for sale cr rent with the Live Real Estate Dealers HARRIS SPEAKES, PARIS, KENTUCKY. TRACTION CASE UP AT GEORGETOWN THURSDAY It Is Charged That Liquor Was Shipped On Interurban To That City. OPPENHEIMER TALKS. Says If Beer Was Shipped There It Could Not Be Recognized. (Special To The Herald.) GEORGETOWN, June case of the City of Georgetown against the Kentucky Traction Terminal Company will be tried before County Judge Joseph B.

Ward next Thursday morning. The suit grows out of the trial of Russell Stone, last week, on the charge of selling beer in local option territory, on which charge he was convicted and fined $100. The evidence brought out the fact that the liquor had been shipped to Georgetown over the traction line. General Manager I. L.

Oppenheimer made a statement that if any beer was shipped here, it was so packed it could not have been recognized as beer, and was shipped as something else. About twenty-five county school teachers and trustees and Superintendent J. W. True, will leave next Tuesday morning over the F. C.

Railroad for Louisville, where they expect to attend the Kentucky Educational Association meeting. The railroad fares of all the teachers and trustees in the county will be paid by the County Board of Education, to encourage them to get the benefit of the convention. They are in hopes of getting the prize offered by Mr. J. B.

McFerran, of Louisville, to the county, in the State which sends the largest delegation. Six applicants stood the examinations Saturday for teachers' certificates. They were Mises Mary Phelps, Lillian Morris, Pearl Wilhoit, Vivian Fortner and Messrs. William S. Mulberry and Thomas Marshall.

Dean William T. Capers, of Lexington, preached in the Episcopal church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, taking as his subject, "Under The Care of God." First Christian church Rev. Menzo B. Ainsworth spoke in the morning upon, "The Creed That Never and in the evening, "The Unfailing Fountain." Dr. B.

A. Dawes chose for his Sunday morning sermon, "Is It Worth While To Be Christian?" in the evening, and "Paul's Secret" in the forenoon. Rev. W. 0.

Cochrane chose for his morning sermon, "Obedience To The Law." Personal Notes. The Ladies' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will hold its regular meeting Monday afternoon with Mrs. Alex L. Lawless, in the county. Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Mrs.

Ida Miller Finnell will entertain ati bridge in compliment to her two attractive guests, Misses Blanche Hix and Theodosia Morris, of Lexington, Missouri. Mises Elizabeth Ingels and Mattie and Lucia Butler, of Millersburg, are spening a few days as the guests of Mrs. Harry Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs.

Lewis Johnstone, Miss Susanne Grisby and Mrs. Mary Taylor, of Richmond, and Mrs. Coffin, of Charleston, S. have been enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lansing left Saturday with, for a few days, with Mr. and Mrs.

Eugene Rucker, at Centerville. Miss Gayle Jackson will spend the coming several days with relatives in Cincinnati. Mrs. Joseph Ehrlich has gone to Louisville to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Eugene Kuttner for awhile. Mrs. John Andrew Steele, of Woodford county, enjoyed a brief visit with the Lansings this week. Mr. C.

B. Glass died at his home near here, on the Long Lick pike, Sunday morning, at the age of 74 after a long and useful career. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mollie Glass, and one daughter, Mrs. Frank M.

Thomasson, the editor of the Georgetown News. The funeral services will be conducted from his home Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, Rev. N. H. Poole, of Stamping Ground, assisted by Dr.

B. A. Dawes, officiating. The remains will be interred in the Georgetown Cemetery, the following friends acting as honorary pallbearers: Messrs. Joseph Foree, Robert S.

Sprake, Mike H. Haggard, James F. Askew, Charles Kenney and S. B. Tripplett, and the active pallbearers are to be Messrs.

James Y. Nutter, Robert E. Lee, A. M. Duvall, W.

T. Davis, John G. Leach and Robert Thomasson. Georgetown News Briefs. G.

B. Brown, after several weeks' illness with rheumatism, is able to up. Dr. Arthur Yager spent Saturday in Lexington on business connected with Georgetown College. Mr.

Patrick Reddick, formerly agent of the Q. C. at Georgetown and now located at Birmingham, for the past five years, is visiting with his family and parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Reddick.

He is contemplating (locating again in the Blue Grass region. Among the visitors in Lexington Saturday were: Mrs. James D. Smith, Miss Margaret Smith, Mr. Joseph E.

Marks, Miss Sue Ford Offutt, Prof. David E. Fogel, Mr. John Graves Ford, Colonel Hugh S. Anderson, Mrs.

John Green and family, Mr. William Lee Nutter, Mr. Will Coyle and Sheriff Ed D. Smith. Mrs.

Grace Jordan, of -exington, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wilson. THOS.

DAVIS BURIED IN LEXINGTON CEMETERY Funeral of Rev. Benton Cook To Be In Nicholasville Today. (Special to The Herald.) NICHOLASVILLE, June The funeral services of Thomas A. Davis, who residence died at Friday, o'clock were held Saturday at afternoon. The interment took place in Lexington.

The funeral of Rev. Benton Cook, who died Jackson, was held the Southern Methodist church Sunday at 10 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Crates officiating.

The pallbearers were Judge Hi. H. Phillips, Dr. T. G.

Cook, Messrs. B. Campbell, J. J. Corrington, W.

A. Sears, Buckner Bryant, J. B. Stears and James Turner. Mr.

Cook was a native of Nicholasville, having been born here seventy years ago. He was a Confederate soldier during the Civil War and shortly after the close of the war became a member of the Kentucky Conference and has been actively engaged as a minister ever since. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Misses Catherine and Lucy Emma. He was a brother of Miss Emma Cook and Colonel B. L.

Cook, proprietor of Hotel Nicholas. The burial took place here. Mr. Blackford has been elected a director in the Farmers' Exchange Bank to fill out the unexpired term of Hon. E.

R. Sparks, who resigned. Mr. Robert Bronaugh has returned from school at Alexandria, where he recently graduated from the Episcopal High School, a preparatory school for the University of Virginia. Mr.

Bronaugh is the only son of Mr. N. L. Bronaugh, the well known attorney. He will enter the University of Virginia in September.

MT. STERLING. Miss Ruth Setters has gone to Colorado to spend the summer with relatives. Misses Nellie and Mattie Pangburn visited relatives in Winchester and Paris. Mrs.

John C. Enoch and Mrs. Chas. Reis and little niece, Edith, left this week for Lake Chautauqua, where they will spend the summer. Miss Elizabeth Overton of ville, is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Johnson.

Mrs. G. Y. Triplett, who has been at St. Joseph's Hospital, in Lexington, for several weeks, has returned home and is very much improved in health.

Miss Anna Simrall, who has been teaching in Lexington, is visiting her parents in this city. She will leave soon for Columbia University, New York, for the summer. Mr. Robert Strong of Cincinnati, was the guest of the family of I. F.

Tabb this week. Mr. Orien and wife of Louisville, are guests the family of R. A. Tutt, Childers, near Jeffersonville.

Miss Julia Rodman has gone to Columbus, to visit Miss Ella May Crawford. Miss Hettie Belle Fuqua of Owensboro, is the guest of Misses Louise and Mary Crawford Lloyd. Thomas D. Jones of Tampa, is visiting relatives and friends in the city. Miss Elizabeth Laughlin has returned from a visit to relatives in Paris.

Master Allen Buckner of Owensboro, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. B. W. Trimble. Mrs.

Fannie Clay of St. Louis, is visiting Mrs. Rufus Hadden. Hon. J.

M. Kendall of West Liberty, is visiting the family of Mr. Steve Pieratt. Miss Caroline Bourne will entertain the following house party: Miss Judith Bourne of Taylorsville, and Misses Jessie Bascom and Elizabeth Judy of Sharpsburg. Prof.

W. H. Haddock of nooga, is the guest of friends here. Mrs. Lillian Turtoy and son, Harold, of Kennedy Heights, Ohio, are visiting Mrs.

George C. Smith. Miss Mary Leonard of Lexington, joined the house party being entertained by Miss Elizabeth Johnson. Miss Eleanor Garrison of Louisville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Sherman. Messrs. J. Clay Cooper, Harry Enoch and Captain Petry have returned from a camping trip on the Cumberland river. Misses Marguerite and Martha Evans are attending State Normal School at Richmond.

Messrs. Robert Trimble and Lloyd Frazer have returned from Central University. Miss Jenmol Gatewood is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. George Warner, in Louisville. Mrs.

Robert Carrick of Lexington, IS visiting the family of B. F. Herriott. B. F.

Chenaut and family of Versailles, visited relatives in this city. Mr. Charles Corbett of Memphis, is visiting his father, Mr. John Corbett. Mr.

Charles Pitman of Carlisle, visited friends here this week. Miss Abbie Bailey of Covington, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. G. Howard.

Miss Verna Thompson has returned from. South Boston, where she has spent some time. Mrs. W. Howe entertained with a 6 o'clock dinner in honor of the members of Miss Elizabeth Johnson's house party this evening.

Mrs. Edward Reis will leave next week to visit friends in Iowa. Why is the range of wireless telegraphy so much greater at night than by day? Mr. Marconi, in a recent address, said that this fact, first noticed by him in 1902, is due to the ionization of the gaseous molecules of the air, affected by ultra violet light. "Ionization" is a term used in electrolytic decomposition.

In ordonary language, the sun's rays seem to deaden electrical potency just as they appear to kill the flames of fire. SLAYER OF MAN WHO DIED HERE CONVICTED Mrs. W. T. Perry will leave Tuesday for a visit to relatives at Prestonburg.

Misses Elizabeth Mae' Madigan, Genevieve Conway, Queen Blake and Mary Alice Donahue attended the dance at Mt. Sterling Thursday evening. Mr. Roger Whitson, popular young linotype compositor of the Sun, spent the weekend in Lexington. Miss Eliza Richards, Knoxville, who has been the guest of Miss Kate has gone to Hindman, where Curry, she will be during the summer.

Miss Elizabeth Vermilion, of Danville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vermilion. Mrs. J.

B. Quinian and children, of Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Conway. Mr.

Thomas Hays, of Denver, has returned home 6 after a visit to Mr. John Conway in this city. WHITE MAN SHOT AT BY MASON NEGRESS She Uses Revolver and the Constable Finds co*cked Shotgun On Place. (Special to The Herald.) MAYSVILLE, June Parker, a negro woman," and Crumer Lester, a white man, both living near Lewisburg, this county, engaged in a dispute yesterday at the former's home over a horse that belonged to one of them, During the argument the negress entered her home, procured a revolver, and started shooting at Lester. The went wild and he escaped injury.

then came to Maysshots, ville and swore out a warrant against the woman, charging her with shooting with intent to kill. The warrant was placed in the hands of Constable Tim Buckley, who arrested her. Search of the premises revealed a shotgun that was co*cked ready for use. The Parker woman was placed in jail, in default of bond, and will have a hearing on Monday before Squire ser. Mr.

Elrado Manning, aged 21, and Miss Gladys Hawkins, aged 22, both of Fleming county, were married here on Friday by County Judge Rice. Mr. F. E. Hughes, aged 36, and Miss Minnie M.

Smith, aged 24, both of South Manchester, were married here on Saturday by County Judge W. H. Rice. In the county court here yesterday Mr. J.

J. Perrine was appointed administrator of the estate of Robert Perrine, deceased. A copy of the will of the late Mrs. Bridget Mitchell was filed for probate here on Saturday. She was a resident of Marshall county, W.

and owned a house and lot in this city, which she bequeathed to her son, Mr. James I. Mitchell. The Washington Opera House of this city will close on next Wednesday for one week, to make its regular summer improvements and overhauling. The management has just put in new asbestos curtain, which is one of the finest ever hung in Maysville.

NICHOLASVILLE BEATS GEORGETOWN ATHLETICS (Special to The Herald.) GEORGETOWN, June Nicholasville team defeated the Georgetown Athletic Club, in the poorest game played of the season, by the score of 10 to 3. The locals had two of their best players out of the game on account of sickness, and did not put as much life in their playing as usual. Payne pitched fairly good ball, but did not have a chance to win, as his team mates made a bunch of errors behind him, and made the visitors presents of the majority of their runs. The visitors also fielded poorly at times, but through the splendid pitching of Wetzel, managed to win easily. Kimbrough, Woodco*ck and Fieber, three former Blue Grass League stars, were in the visitors line up.

The pitching of Wetzel for the visitors was the efature. Score: R.H.E. Nicholasville 21 0 0 03 0 21 1-10 9 Georgetown 100100010 0- 3 5 11 Batteries- -Wetzel and Caywood; Payne and Craycraft. Two Base Hits- -Fleber, Burch. Struck Out--By Wetzel 15; by Payne 9.

Bases on Balls Off Wetzel 2, off Payne 3. Hit by Pitcher--By Wetzel by Payne 1. Double Plays -Woodco*ck to Caywood. Left on Bases -Nicholasville 11; Georgetown 7. Time 2:15.

UmpiresStone and Betts. Next Sunday the Athletics will line up against the Cynthiana team. J. O. U.

A. M. TO ELECT. Henry Clay Council, No. 53, Junior Order United American Mechanics, will hold its annual election of officers next Tuesday evening at the hall at Main and Mill streets, over Kirby's store.

All members are requested to be present. Addresses will be made by the officers elected. Jackson Jury Brings in Manslaughter Verdict Against Thomas Hood. KILLED JAMES HATTON Tragedy Occurred Last Sep-Criminal Court Adjourns. (Special to The Herald.) JACKSON, June report of the jury in the case of the Commonwealth on of Kentucky against Thomas Hood, on the charge of murder, finding him guilty under a manslaughter instruction of having killed James Hatton, brought the criminal prosecutions at this term to a close.

The Hood case attracted considerable attention on account of the prominence of the man he was alleged to have killed and the cool deliberate way in which said to have inflicted the wounds from which his victim soon afterwards died in a Lexington hospital. Sometime during the month of September last, Hatton of this county, was found by the roadside, near Cella, in an unconscious condition, caused by the infliction of wounds upon his head and body by some blunt instrument, presumably a club. The the wounded man started an investigation and found evidences of a scuffle and where the ground been stained by blood. The soil had been moved by the use of a shovel and thrown into a corn field. Hood was arrested and at the October term of the court the grand jury returned an indictment against him, charging him with manslaughter.

At the present term of the court the indictment was quashed on motion of the Commonwealth and referred to the grand jury, and another indictment returned, charging him with murder. Was Brother of Representative. James Hatton was a brother to A. B. Hatton, Representative from this district, and was well and favorably known throughout the' county.

It is reported that the jury stood ten to two for the death penalty, and only agreed to the manslaughter verdict in order to reach a verdict in the case. The case of the Commonwalth of Kentucky against Redwine Hollon, Dock Hollon, Linvell Chadt and Robt. Hall was called for trial Saturday and the defendant Hall demanded a severance of the prosecution, whereupon the Commonwealth elected to try Dock Hollon, Redwine Hollon and Linvell Chadt. re This proved to be one of the most term of court and lasted through stubbornly contested trials, at this the last week of the term. The jury returned a verdict Thursday night finding Redwine Hollon and Dock Hollon guilty of manslaughter and fixing the punishmentat from two to twentyone years in the penitentiary for the murder of James Haddix two months ago.

Redwine Hollon was the subject of considerable discussion during the progress of the trial on account of his youth. appeared from the evidence that Redwine Hollon, who admitted the shooting of Haddix, was only 14 years old. James Haddix was shot and killed at the blind tiger of Linvell Chadt, about one-half mile above Jackson, in what 1s familiarly known as "Snake Valley." The tragedy occurred about six weeks ago and the defendants were indicted at the present term of the court, whereupon Special nudge J. J. C.

Bach directed the clerk of the court to enter the case on the docket for the present term and notified the attorneys for the defense that the case would be tried at" then present term of the court. Citizens Hope for Improvement. The efforts of Col. T. C.

Johnson, the regular Commonwealth's Attorney, and Chester A. Bach, who acted as Commonwealth's Attorney pro tem, on account of the illness of Colonel Johnson, was particllarly gratifying the law-abiding citizens who hope to see a much improved community by a Joe Sells the Leer Systems The Joseph Candioto Co. 149 North Broadway. Both 'Phones. Children Cry for Fletcher's CASTORIA IA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his perhatH sonal Allow no one supervision to deceive since its you in infancy.

this. All Counterfeits. Imitations Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle Experience endanger the health of Infants and against Experiment. What is CASTORIA RIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups.

It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoa.

It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Hf The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. rigid enforcement of the criminal law. Out of a total number of nine felony cases tried only one man was acquitted.

Special Judge Bach passed the of the court on all the prisoners convicted at the present term of the court this evening as follows: Hit Campbell, from two to twenty-one years in the pententiary for the murder of William Martin: Robert Beard, life sentence for the murder of Robt. Morris; Redwine Hollon and Dock Hollon, from two to twenty-one for the murder of James Haddix, and Thos. Hood, from two to twenty-one years for the murder of James Hatton. The regular jury was discharged this evening by Judge Bach, with the thanks of the court for the prompt and efficient manner in which it had discharged its duties during the present term of the court. WINCHESTER TEAM TO PLAY LOCAL Y.

M. C'A. Half Proceeds To Go To the Proposed New Hospital in Clark Capital. (Special to The Herald.) WINCHESTER, June game of baseball will be played at Garner's Park, in this city, on Tuesday afternoon. June 24, between Winchester Athletic Club and the Y.

M. C. A. team of Lexington. Half the proceeds will be given for the benefit of the proposed new hospital for Winchester.

The line-up for the local team will be as follows: Watts, catcher: Webber, pitcher; Shea, first base: Carr, second base; Bruce, third base: Porter, shortstop; Berry, left field: Ramsey, center field; Owens, right field. An admission of 25 cents will be charged, with grand stand free. A large crowd is expected to witness the game. The Cincinnati Cleotas and the Winchester Colonels, swift amateur teams, will play at Garner's Park Sunday, June 30. The proceeds will go to pay off the debt of the Winchester baseball club.

Robert Ogden and Oscar Schmidt are training the Colonels. The game between the Boosters and Knockers, which resulted In a tie when played- here a short time ago, will be renewed next Thursday in order to play off the tie. Such rivalry has never been manifested between two teams on the local grounds, and it is thought a record-breaking crowd will be out. The proceeds will be used to made up the deficit in the funds used to finance the Winchester baseball club, recently sold to Nicholasville. NEGRO IS KILLED BY TRAIN.

MT. STERLING, June An eastbound freight train near this city today struck and killed George Jones, a negro, who was on the track the distillery and failed to pay near attention to signals. Subscription Ballet -GOOD Extra Votes -INThe Lexington Herald's $8,045 Automobile Contest When accompanied by one prepaid subscription FOR ANY SCHEDULE LENGTH Contestant Address District No Each contestant may use three of these coupons, but each coupon must be accompanied by a prepaid subscription. Nomination ion Coupon To enter The Lexington Herald's Great Voting Contest, fill this blank and send it to the office of The Herald, Contest Lexington, Ky. You may nominate yourself or a friend.

The first of these coupons received for a contestant counts 1000 Votes I nominate: Mrs. or Miss Street Dist. Town or City Nominated by Address Profession Date Under no cir. THIS NOMINATION COUNTS 1000. Only one nomination to be credited to each contestant.

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The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.